Effective Content Syndication and SEO (With Benefits and Tips)

Effective Content Syndication

In the crowded creator space, standing out is tough. Content syndication can be your secret weapon, letting you share your existing content on other platforms and reach fresh eyes. This boosts your visibility, builds authority, and fuels engagement – all crucial in the fight for attention.

Dive into this article to learn the ins and outs of content syndication, from its mechanics to its perks and pitfalls. We’ll also share best practices and tips to help you leverage this strategy for maximum impact in your creator journey.

Why Should You Syndicate Your Content?

  1. Reaching a Wider Audience:

Imagine crafting a stellar blog post. It attracts some traction on your site, generating conversions and boosting your authority. However, you aspire for greater reach and impact.

Content syndication offers the perfect solution. These new readers encounter your expertise, potentially engaging with your content and clicking back to your website, further amplifying your reach and influence.

  1. Building a Diverse Backlink Profile:

Backlinks remain a crucial component of successful SEO campaigns. Search engines continue to prioritise websites with strong backlink profiles, recognizing them as trustworthy sources of information.

Content syndication allows you to acquire a diverse mix of backlinks, enhancing your SEO effectiveness.

This diverse backlink profile, combined with increased website traffic and engagement, synergistically propels your website towards the coveted first page of search engine results.

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Content Syndication

Not all content types are equally suited for the syndication spotlight. Understanding which posts to prioritise and which to avoid is crucial for success.

Favourable Content for Syndication:

  • Informational content: Posts rich with valuable insights and practical knowledge resonate with readers and align perfectly with the syndication goal of providing informative content.
  • Content with internal links: Strategically placed internal links within your syndicated post encourage readers to delve deeper into your website and explore related content, boosting website traffic and engagement.

Content Less Suitable for Syndication:

  • Promotional content: Posts focused solely on selling a product or service can alienate viewers and contradict the informative intent of content syndication.
  • Sales and product pages: These pages are designed for specific product conversions and may not offer the broader context and informational value desired by syndicated content.
  • Thin content: Posts with limited information or lacking depth provide minimal value to readers and may not be appealing to syndication partners.

Follow Syndication Guidelines

For successful content syndication, adhering to publisher guidelines is paramount. These guidelines may encompass restrictions on specific niches or topics, limitations on the number of embedded links, or even stipulated post lengths. 

While some may seem restrictive, remember that respecting these guidelines ensures the publication and continued availability of your content on partner sites.

Follow these guidelines closely, but don’t compromise the core quality and value of your content. If navigating these guidelines feels overwhelming, consider our service for assistance with manual outreach to syndication partners.

Content Repurposing

While syndication remains a powerful tool, some publishers may opt for repurposing your content instead. This essentially involves crafting an entirely new blog post specifically for their platform.

This approach, while offering exposure on the partner site, presents certain drawbacks:

  • Additional Writing Effort: Creating dedicated content for each partner increases your workload and requires additional time investment.
  • Limited Site Usage: This repurposed content won’t be directly usable on your own website, reducing its overall impact on your content portfolio.
  • Reduced SEO Potential: Repurposed content typically lacks the rel=canonical tag, which hinders its SEO benefits on your own website.

Therefore, carefully consider the trade-offs before agreeing to content repurposing. If SEO impact is your primary concern, syndication remains the more advantageous option.

Links Within The Content

Achieving a healthy balance between keywords and internal links is crucial for maximising your content’s effectiveness. A good rule of thumb suggests the following ratios:

  • 500-word posts: 2 internal links
  • 1000-word posts: 2-3 internal links
  • 1500-word posts: 3 internal links
  • 2000-word posts: 4 internal links

These ratios have been observed to effectively capitalise on content length without venturing into “keyword-stuffing” territory. Maintaining this balance ensures both a natural reading experience for users and optimal search engine optimization.

When To Syndicate

While there’s no perfect moment to initiate content syndication, starting sooner rather than later is generally beneficial. Reaching out to publishers and site owners manually can be time-consuming, depending on your existing relationships. Early outreach increases the chances of securing placements and maximising the reach of your content.

Waiting for your original content to be indexed is not mandatory, but it can streamline the syndication process. Indexed content gets picked up by search engines faster, benefitting both the original and syndicated versions. To accelerate the indexing process, consider manually submitting your blog to Google.

Final Thoughts

Even in the early phases of your content marketing initiatives, content syndication is the quickest approach to make your material work for you. Not only does this produce income and have a direct influence on your company’s bottom line, but it also builds long-term and continuous equity by elevating your brand.

Reward your effort in content marketing with an audience that recognizes its worth and can add value to your company.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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