How to Create and Host Successful Webinars – 2024

Create and Host Successful Webinars

If you run a B2B (business-to-business) company, then generating new leads and increasing brand awareness is one of your top goals.

But with so much competition in the marketplace, it can feel overwhelming to find ways to continually stand out and showcase what makes you different.

So in this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about webinars, from getting people to sign up to delivering high-value content. You’ll have the skills and strategies to build a successful webinar by the end.

What’s A Webinar, Anyways?

Webinars are different to Teams Live Events or Team Meetings. They are simple to create just like a Team’s meeting and don’t require any special technology or expertise to run as you might for a Live event.

In a normal Teams meeting you would have a lot of groups sharing and interaction. Most attendees participate in the discussions during the meeting.

With a webinar you have a couple of Presenters and the rest of the participants are attendees joining the webinar to listen to the content and ask the occasional question. ·Webinars are often used for training or for broadcasting a message to your organization.

Not only are webinars versatile and engaging, but studies show they offer impressive success rates – 53% of marketers say they generate the most high-quality leads than any other form of content.

1. Pick Your Goal For The Webinar

Not all webinars are created equal. Selecting the best format for your needs starts with identifying your primary objective. Are you aiming to:

1. Build an email list and generate leads? 

Webinars offer a powerful platform to collect valuable email addresses and establish trust with potential customers. By delivering insightful content and positioning yourself as an authority, you encourage signups and nurture leads.

2. Connect with your audience and answer their questions? 

Live Q&A sessions provide an intimate space to interact directly with your audience, address their concerns, and demonstrate your expertise. This fosters genuine connections and builds trust, ultimately influencing buying decisions.

3. Partner with another influencer or business for mutual benefit? 

Joint webinars leverage the existing trust both organisers have built with their respective audiences. This expands your reach, attracts new subscribers, and promotes cross-promotion opportunities.

4. Educate and train your audience on a specific topic? 

Teaching webinars offer a valuable platform to share knowledge, address common challenges, and provide actionable solutions. Repurposing high-performing content from your blog or podcast can be a great way to quickly develop engaging presentations.

When I first started I spent WAY too much time on this piece. The reality is you’ll likely change your mind many times as you develop your audience and thoughts around your topic and which to cover.

In the beginning I wish someone would have pulled me aside and told me to make it as simple as possible and match passion with something in my skill set and go from there. 

Two podcasts later and my topics for podcasting have changed drastically! 

5. Train users on your product or service? 

Step-by-step training webinars provide attendees with a clear roadmap for utilizing your product or service effectively. Including case studies and testimonials adds credibility and enhances the perceived value of your offering.

6. Sell your product or service? 

While the ultimate goal of most webinars is to drive sales, a hard sell approach is counterproductive. Instead, focus on providing valuable content, building trust, and showcasing the benefits of your offering. The next section dives deeper into creating compelling sales webinars that both educate and convert.

2. Create Killer Content That Will Lead to Conversions

Once you’ve defined your webinar’s goal, it’s time to craft engaging content that leads your audience towards the desired outcome. Whether it’s lead generation, joint venture promotion, or product sales, the essence lies in understanding your audience’s needs and addressing them effectively.

To each their own. This module is telling you to create a script. I’ve literally never created a script with the exception of a keynote speech. 

I like to work naturally and mistakes will happen. Some people don’t like mistakes, and I understand. I do because this is a human endeavor.

  • Highly recommend a 4k webcam or Mirrorless camera.
  • Headphones so that there are no echos

A professional mic. I recommend SHURE if you can afford it, but there are many more more affordable options that’s what I use and it’s amazing!

As far as the platform, that’s a pick ’em and what feels comfortable for you. I use Riverside for podcasts and Zoom for webinars!

1. Capturing Attention: The Introduction

First impressions are crucial. When participants join your webinar, skepticism is natural. Your introduction should quickly address this and build trust. Briefly explain what they’ll learn, showcase your expertise, and establish your credibility.

2. Building Trust: The Main Content

This is where most webinars stumble. While informative content is vital, excessive teaching can be detrimental. Instead of overwhelming your audience, focus on identifying and addressing the three biggest misconceptions they hold about your product or service. 

These misconceptions are often the primary barriers to purchase.

  • Identifying Misconceptions:

The key to overcoming sales resistance lies in understanding your audience’s beliefs. Conduct surveys, interviews, or direct communication to determine their doubts and objections. What are the main reasons they hesitate to buy? Address these directly and provide evidence to counter their anxieties.

Suppose you’re selling an SEO service. Here are three common misconceptions your audience might have:

  1. It won’t work: Delve into the “secret sauce” of successful SEO strategies, revealing common mistakes and showcasing effective approaches.
  2. Penalties are a risk: Explain the reasons behind website penalties and equip your audience with actionable steps to avoid them.
  3. ROI is uncertain: Demonstrate keyword targeting techniques, discuss buyer cycles, and present data-driven evidence to prove the potential for high ROI.
  • The Core Principle:

Remember, the primary objective of the main content is to instill belief in the effectiveness of your offering. Address each misconception with solutions directly related to your product’s features and benefits, without explicitly mentioning it yet. This lays the groundwork for a seamless transition to the closing pitch.

3. Sealing the Deal: The Compelling Close

Now that you’ve addressed your audience’s doubts and built their trust, it’s time for the final push – the closing pitch. Here’s how to transition smoothly and convert your audience into customers:

  •  Gauging Interest:

Instead of launching directly into your product pitch, gauge their interest first. Ask if they’d like to learn about a solution that helps them achieve their desired outcome. Their positive response (a natural consequence of addressing their concerns) serves as a perfect springboard for the pitch.

  • Unveiling Your Solution:

Introduce your product or service and demonstrate its value proposition. Clearly explain how it addresses their specific needs and pain points, highlighting the features and benefits that directly align with the solutions you provided earlier.

  • Making the Offer Irresistible:

Limited-time offers with compelling bonuses and discounts incentivize immediate action. By adding scarcity and value, you push them towards a purchase decision. Clearly outline the offer, including any bonuses, discounts, and deadlines.

  • Addressing Questions:

Reserve ample time for Q&A. This allows you to address any lingering doubts and clarify the offer further. Actively listen to their queries and provide prompt, informative answers.

The biggest consideration I believe is to know that you won’t have all the answers and don’t need them. If your content is good. Rely on that and put the pieces together along the way. I’m 1 year into podcasting, 50+ episodes in total and I’ve changed my mind on things 20 times and paused my podcast twice…

There’s no ONE SIZE that fits YOU and your way of doing things. Figure it out for yourself!!!

  • Expressing Gratitude:

Conclude the webinar by expressing your sincere appreciation for their time and engagement. This leaves a positive final impression and fosters a sense of community.

By implementing these closing strategies, you can effectively convert webinar attendees into loyal customers and achieve your desired business goals.

3. Select The Best Webinar Platform

While numerous webinar platforms are available, each with its own set of pros and cons, we advocate for paid platforms. They often offer valuable tools and features that enhance the webinar experience for both hosts and attendees. These include:

  • Audience Acquisition: Tools designed to attract attendees and encourage registration.
  • Engagement Features: Interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat rooms to keep participants active.
  • Recording and Replay: Automatic recording of the webinar for later playback and access.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Comprehensive data on audience engagement and performance metrics.

4. Promote Your Webinar

In my experience, finding out the platforms where the people that could find interest in your podcast are hanging out and engaging with them is the best way to attract new listeners. As a leadership podcast, we went to LinkedIn and commented on other leadership posts and answered leadership questions.

This allowed us to build authority in an authentic way. We never said “for our full opinion go listen to our show”, instead we engaged with, responded to and shared others content and let people click to find out who we were and what we did. 

Hosting a webinar only to discover an empty audience can be disheartening. Fortunately, you can prevent this scenario by implementing effective promotional strategies:

1. Leverage Your Email List:

  • Send engaging emails promoting your webinar, highlighting the key takeaways and benefits for attendees.
  • Use reminder emails (at least three) to jog participants’ memories and generate excitement.
  • Offer exclusive bonuses to incentivize live attendance.

2. Social Media Outreach:

  • Share your webinar information across all your social media platforms, including compelling visuals.
  • Post multiple times leading up to the event to maintain visibility and anticipation.

3. Paid Traffic:

  • Consider running targeted ads on Facebook or other platforms to attract a wider audience.

4. Website Promotion:

  • Utilise tools like Hello Bar to prominently display your webinar announcement across your website.
  • Create eye-catching popups with OptinMonster to capture visitor attention and drive registrations.

5. Additional Tips:

  • Partner with influencers: Collaborate with relevant influencers to promote your webinar to their audience.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Emphasize limited-time offers or exclusive content to encourage immediate action.
  • Offer a recording: Provide access to the recorded webinar for those who cannot attend live.

By implementing these strategies and tailoring them to your specific audience and goals, you can confidently fill your webinar seats and maximize engagement.

5. Run Your Webinar Live

Once you’ve honed your content and practiced extensively, it’s time to focus on ensuring a flawless execution. Here are some key preparation tips:

  1. Software Familiarity:

Run a test webinar with friends beforehand to familiarize yourself with the platform’s functionalities and troubleshoot any potential issues.

  1. Stable Internet Connection:

Avoid technical hiccups by ensuring a strong and reliable internet connection. Consider restarting your computer and checking your speed before the event.

  1. Minimize Distractions:

Choose a quiet location free from interruptions like construction noise, pets, or people. Inform everyone about your scheduled recording.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Rested:

Prevent vocal fatigue during extended presentations by having water close at hand. Remember, bathroom breaks are crucial!

  1. Be Energetic and Enthusiastic:

Your energy is contagious! Avoid a monotonous delivery and inject humor, personality, and passion into your presentation.

  1. Visualize Success:

Prior to the webinar, visualize your success. Imagine the valuable knowledge you’ll impart and the positive impact you’ll have on your audience.

  1. Encourage Interaction:

Promote engagement by asking questions, seeking feedback, and incorporating polls or live Q&A sessions.

  1. Authenticity is Key:

Don’t strive for perfection. Embrace your personality and connect with your audience on a genuine level.

  1. Focus on Slides, not Camera:

While brief camera appearances can build rapport, avoid constant focus on your face. Prioritize clear presentation of content.

  1. Welcome Co-hosts:

Consider collaborating with co-hosts to share the load, ask insightful questions, and diversify the webinar experience.

  1. Ditch the Script:

Utilize slides with key points as prompts, allowing you to riff off them naturally and foster a more engaging flow.

  1. Embrace the Fun:

Incorporate humor, surprise elements, and off-topic moments (within reason) to inject fun and keep your audience captivated.

This is one step that must be done! Engage, engage and engage. Especially if you’re starting from 0. Every single initial listener or viewer is social proof. I coddled those relationships in the beginning and those people became my biggest evangelists as I grew.

I would hop on 1 on 1 calls to ask about life and learn more about them. The more curious I was about them the more they were about me. 

You don’t have to always do this, but it may be the difference between early wins and success and REPEATED success as you have to make people aware you exist…

People buy/listen to who they like!

6. Follow Up And Close WAY More Sales!

Your webinar may be over, but the journey to converting viewers into customers continues. In fact, a significant portion of your sales (often exceeding 50%) can occur after the event concludes. Here’s how to nurture leads and maximise post-webinar sales:

  • Replay Follow-up (Day 1):

Send a prompt email with a link to the replay and a reminder of your offer. This allows attendees who missed the live event or want to revisit the content to do so conveniently.

  • Summary + Offer (Day 2):

Provide a concise summary of the key takeaways from the webinar, along with a replay link and your offer details. This refreshes attendees’ memory and encourages them to take action.

  • Final Warning + Cart Closing (Day 3):

Send a final email emphasising the limited-time nature of your offer and urging them to make a decision. This creates a sense of urgency and helps convert hesitant attendees into buyers.

7. Webinar Marketing Is Complicated.

The solution to getting “more sign-ups” would come from understanding how you are getting your current sign-ups and why you aren’t getting more. Is it a targeting problem or a messaging one?

On the messaging side,

  • If these are pre-recorded, you can extract text clips to use in lieu of video.
  • Use a bullet list of “What you will learn”
  • Try different CTAs
  • If you offer post-webinar recordings or similar “benefits,” say so in the email
  • Don’t send just one invitation message, use a drip series.
  • Consider offering a post-webinar download or other incentive to get sign-ups.
  • Include testimonials from attendees of past webinars in your emails. “I didn’t think I’d enjoy this…but I’m glad I took the time…”
  • Always focus on what they’ll get over who you are.

Final Thoughts

Webinars offer a unique opportunity to attract visitors and convert them into valuable prospects. By engaging directly with your target audience and providing educational content, you build trust and establish yourself as a trusted authority.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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