June 2019 Broad Core Algorithm Update (Who Did it Impact?)

June 2019 Broad Core Algorithm Update

Do you think that Google is dancing again?

Well, of course I don’t mean the literal dancing, though nothing is impossible for Google. Ok let me not divert from the point. I do not mean the literal dancing … .But, lately I have noticed that SERP’s results are constantly on the run.

Have you noticed it as well?

The news was first officially tweeted by Google SearchLiaison on 2nd June 2019. The tweet said – “Tomorrow, we are releasing a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the June 2019 Core Update. Our guidance about such updates remains as we’ve covered before.”

What Happened With The Google June 2019 Core Update

In a rare move on June 2, 2019, Google pre-announced a core update via Twitter, sparking excitement and anticipation within the SEO community.

This tweet marked a significant shift in Google’s usual approach to algorithm updates, offering valuable forewarning for website owners and SEO professionals.

Google officially rolled out its June Core Update on June 3, 2019, impacting search engine results pages (SERPs) worldwide.

The Google Broad Core algorithm update is pretty unnerving and disappointing for webmasters because Google has not said anything specific about what it includes or exactly what it targets.

It is presumed that websites are rated based on a few hundred different factors, depending on where you read about the search engine’s algorithms and how they work. 

Seeing as they have not said anything particular about the broad core algorithm and for some, the effects have not begun showing, it is pretty hard to learn what makes your website rank higher or lower. Fortunately, you can count on our experienced SEO team to run an analysis and see which areas need to be improved for better results.

Anticipation for the recent Google algorithm update ran high, fueled by speculation of a major overhaul.

However, Danny Sullivan of Google clarified via Twitter that the update was not especially significant or unique.

Interestingly, despite Danny Sullivan’s initial assessment, SEO data suggests the June 2019 core update was more impactful than initially reported. We’ll delve deeper into this data below.

On June 8, 2019, Danny Sullivan confirmed the completion of the core update’s rollout, but it’s true scope was yet to be fully understood. 

Google “Diversity Update” Rolls Out At The Same Time

Coinciding with the rollout of the core update, Google introduced another update dubbed the “Diversity Update.” This change aimed to diversify search results and limit the dominance of any single website.

This update is designed to enrich your search experience by showcasing a wider range of perspectives. Moving forward, no single domain will dominate your results, ensuring you encounter diverse viewpoints and information sources.

What Was Targeted With The June Core Update?

Preliminary analysis of website traffic and ranking data indicates potential similarities between the current update and the March 2019 Core Update.

Notably, both updates appear to have caused significant fluctuations in rankings for specific niches, particularly those classified as YMYL (Your Money & Your Life) such as health, finance, and legal.

This update echoes trends observed in previous core updates like the Google Medic Update. However, Google emphasises that this is a broad change intended to improve the overall search experience, not targeting specific sectors or websites.

Industry Observations About The Update

The recent update has sparked a wave of industry conversation, with numerous observations and theories emerging.

Was This A Reversal of The March 2019 Core Update?

In a recent Search Engine Land article, Marcus Tober of SearchMetrics suggested that parts of the March core update may have been rolled back.

He noted that Google may have over-emphasized brand and authority in the March update, leading to losses for websites like WebMD and Verywellhealth.com.

Tober’s observations align with Google’s history of refining its core updates after initial rollouts.

This suggests a continuous process of fine-tuning the algorithm, with winners and losers from one update often experiencing reversals in the next.

Notably, data from SearchMetrics indicates that many of the losers from the March 2019 update bounced back in subsequent updates.

While the specifics of Google’s algorithm changes remain opaque, these observations point to a dynamic and iterative approach to search ranking.

This highlights the importance for website owners to be vigilant and adaptable in their SEO strategies.


Some websites saw their traffic skyrocket overnight, only to witness a dramatic decline the following day. This transient surge raises the possibility of Google experimenting with their algorithms.

Understanding Relevance & Changes In Search Intent

While recent Google core updates may have impacted website traffic for some, it’s important to remember that these changes represent an ongoing evolution in Google’s search algorithms.

Rather than indicating a need for immediate adjustments, these fluctuations could be due to Google’s experimentation with aligning results with shifting user search intent. Ongoing analysis and adaptation to evolving user behaviour remain key to maintaining a strong SEO presence.

Health Related Queries Intent

Historically, health-related supplement sales pages dominated search results for specific supplement names.

However, Google shifted its algorithm to prioritise informative content. As a consequence, searches for terms like “creatine” now prioritise informative articles over product listings in organic results.

Consumers are increasingly seeking deeper understanding before purchasing supplements, prompting Google to prioritise informative content in search results.

This shift in search intent can lead to traffic decline for e-commerce sites primarily focused on sales pages.

To regain lost traffic and cater to evolving user behaviour, creating valuable blog content around your products can be a highly effective strategy.

Our experience demonstrates the success of this approach in driving traffic back to e-commerce websites.

Changing Search Intent Experiments

While a decrease in search traffic might raise alarm bells, it’s not always a negative sign. Consider this page on shooting YouTube videos: after a temporary boost associated with an update, traffic dipped. However, further analysis might reveal a positive story.

While it may not be a top-tier search term, deeper analysis reveals that this phrase did briefly rank for “shooting youtube,” a term with a substantial monthly search volume of 106,000.

This indicates significant potential for reaching a relevant audience despite not currently dominating the broader search landscape.

However, upon further investigation and a search for “Youtube Shooting” currently, Google prioritises results concerning an actual shooting incident that occurred at Youtube headquarters.

While losing traffic for key+words related to ambiguous search intent can be concerning, it’s important to analyse user behaviour before drawing conclusions.

Traffic fluctuations may simply reflect Google’s ongoing experimentation with disambiguation algorithms.

In some cases, losing traffic for keywords that lead to high bounce rates due to irrelevant search intent can actually be beneficial.

Advice If You Were Affected By This Update

The ever-shifting landscape of search engine results pages (SERPs) is a constant reminder that organic ranking is a dynamic process.

We’ve witnessed countless examples of websites experiencing dramatic fluctuations with each Google update, gaining or losing significant visibility seemingly overnight.

This inherent volatility can be disheartening for website owners, particularly those who experience a sudden drop in their rankings.

However, it’s crucial to remember that such a decrease may not necessarily reflect any intrinsic flaws in your website itself.

Google’s algorithms constantly evolve, adapting to changing user search intent and behaviour.

Therefore, what previously ranked well may not align with the current algorithm’s priorities.

Instead of panicking, it’s important to focus on continuous improvement.

With that in mind, let’s explore how we analyse websites and how you can apply similar techniques to your own online presence.

1. Identify Pages & Keywords That Are Losing Traffic

Don’t just zoom out on your overall traffic; delve deeper to pinpoint pages shedding traffic and the keywords behind it.

Leverage Search Console if you’ve installed it, or consider SEMrush Position Tracking.

In SEMrush:

  1. Navigate to Position Tracking.
  2. Click “New Position Tracking” and enter your desired URL.
  3. Click the red number under “Declined Keywords” to reveal any keywords losing traction.

This pinpoints the specific keywords and pages experiencing drops. Look for recurring themes here.

2. Identify Winning Pages

When you experience a ranking drop for specific keywords, remember that there’s often a flip side: something else has likely risen in the ranks.

Take a moment to analyse the current search results for your target keywords. Compare what Google is displaying now to the content you’re offering.

This comparison can offer valuable insights into what might be missing or needing improvement on your pages.

3. Adjust Your Pages Or Create New Content

Discovering different content types ranking for your target keywords?Consider refining your own approach.

  • Break down broad content: If your existing page covers a general topic, but you see specific content ranking better, try creating dedicated pages focused on those individual keywords.
  • Embrace video: Do you see video results dominating the search landscape? Repurpose your content into a video format to potentially rank multiple times! For an extra edge, embed the video directly within your written content.

Ever noticed the “People Also Ask” box on Google Search? It’s a treasure trove of user queries related to your topic. To dominate this SERP feature and attract organic traffic, consider adding a dedicated Q&A section to your articles.

This simple addition serves two strategic goals:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: By directly addressing frequently asked questions, you provide immediate answers and improve user engagement.
  2. SEO Boost: Implementing relevant questions and concise answers increases your chances of featuring in the “People Also Ask” box, boosting your visibility and organic ranking.

4. Diversify

While we’re an SEO company at heart, we firmly believe in the power of multi-channel marketing.

As Google continues to evolve its search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s crucial to diversify your traffic sources beyond organic search.


The June 2019 Google Core Update has caused significant shifts in search results, impacting many websites.

If your site has been affected, follow our expert advice to analyse the changes and identify the underlying factors.

This involves investigating your own site performance and closely examining what Google now ranks for related keywords.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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