8 Must-Have Tips for Writing Sales Page That Boost Traffic & Conversions

Writing Sales Page

A headline that grabs the reader by the eyeballs and says “YOU! I’m talking to you. Pay attention.”

An introduction that shows the reader you know them, by describing their hopes, dreams, and fears to them in the exact language that they themselves would use.

An offer that lays out exactly what you have for them and how it will help address the problem you just told them about.

A price — which, by the time they get this far down the sales page, customers will be more than happy to pay.

Testimonials & support that neutralize objections and put buyers’ minds at ease.

A call to action that wraps it all up in a beautiful bow and pushes the reader to take action now.

In this article, I’m sharing 8 conversion tips that I always look for when writing – or reviewing – a sales page.

What Is a Sales Page (And Why Should You Have One)?

Your website boasts a dazzling array of offerings, but are they translating into sales? Often, the culprit lies in your sales pages.

These dedicated landing spots, when crafted with finesse, can be conversion and ranking goldmines. But stumble into common pitfalls, and you risk sending potential customers scrambling away.

Why Optimizing Sales Pages Matter?

You all got sales pages (in fact, many of you NEED a sales page but instead have a website, which we need to have a whole OTHER conversation about, another day). 

But do your pages convert?  Do you make sales, from cold, just by writing content that sends people toward it?  Or that sends them to a free download which then leads to the sales page – and they buy?  Even though yesterday, they didn’t know you existed.

Because imagine how that begins to change the shape of your business.  And if we can work some magic that INCREASES your conversions; what that could do for your sales? And for your monthly revenue?

That’s how you scale: when we move the needle on conversion you get to double or triple your income, or more.  

One of my sales pages recently achieved a whopping 32% conversation rate.  That’s unheard of – it’s typically closer to 1 or 2%.  (I should warn that I was sending warm leads to it, this was not from cold).  My clients’ £10k offer converts at close to 6%.  

When we can make more of the people that visit your page take the action you want them to take, everything feels more effortless.

I mean, that would feel pretty good, right? 

Could you use a high converting sales page in your business?  Would you like to see the Replay?

Let’s point out the things that often make sales pages not work well:

  1. The Phantom Page: Does your product or service lack a dedicated space within your website? A ghostly, non-existent sales page leaves customers searching in vain, frustration mounting with each click.
  2. All Aboard the Product Ark: Cramming every offering onto a single page might seem efficient, but it drowns out individual value propositions. Imagine boarding a crowded ark – where’s the lifeboat for your specific need?
  3. Keyword Cannibalism: Keyword stuffing, hoping to net every search term under the sun, backfires spectacularly. Search engines see it as self-sabotage, burying your page in the depths of irrelevance.

But fear not! These missteps are entirely avoidable. Master the art of the killer sales page, and watch your conversions and rankings soar!

Improved SEO

Boost your search engine visibility and attract more leads with dedicated sales pages for each product or service!

Google loves rich, focused content, and individual pages help your offerings rank higher for specific search terms. Imagine, every service becomes a potential doorway to your website, drawing in qualified leads searching for solutions like yours.

The higher you rank, the more organic traffic you’ll get, fueling conversions and growth. Invest in individual sales pages – it’s an SEO strategy you won’t regret!

Customer Satisfaction

Ditch the navigation headaches and boost conversions! Dedicate a page for each service or product. Why?

It’s like giving users a crystal-clear map to what they crave. No more frustration searching, just information at their fingertips.

This ease keeps them engaged, giving your sales pitch a chance to shine. Ready to craft captivating pages that convert? Let’s explore the how-to!

Sales Page Overview

Every high-converting sales page follows a proven formula, much like a recipe for success. While the ingredients (sections) may vary depending on your specific product or service, there are key elements that shouldn’t be left out.

Let’s dissect these essential building blocks, one by one:

  1. Headline that Hooks: Your headline is the first impression, so make it count! It should be attention-grabbing, clear, and concise, instantly sparking the reader’s curiosity and compelling them to delve deeper. Think captivating statements or intriguing questions that promise a solution to their pain points.
  2. Compelling Overview: Briefly introduce your product or service, highlighting its core value proposition. Think of it as an elevator pitch that quickly explains what you offer and why it matters. Focus on the benefits, not just the features, and set the stage for a persuasive journey.
  3. Benefits & Features that Shine: Dive deeper into the specifics, showcasing the unique advantages and functionalities that set you apart. Use bullet points, numbered lists, or concise descriptions to make it easy for readers to scan and grasp the key offerings. Remember, it’s not just about what you do, but how it solves their problems and improves their lives.
  4. Demystifying “How It Works”: Simplicity is key! Clearly explain how your product or service functions, using visuals like screenshots, diagrams, or short videos if applicable. Break down complex processes into bite-sized, easy-to-understand steps that build confidence and dispel any confusion.
  5. Social Proof that Persuades: Testimonials from satisfied customers or logos of well-known brands act as powerful social proof, adding credibility and trust to your claims. Showcase genuine endorsements and success stories to humanize your brand and convince potential buyers that you deliver real value.
  6. Pricing that Converts: Present your pricing structure transparently and confidently. Highlight the value proposition behind each price point, offering different options to cater to diverse budgets and needs. Consider using visuals like comparison tables or money-back guarantees to ease purchase decisions.
  7. Guarantees that Build Trust: Reduce risk and uncertainty with clear guarantees or warranties. This demonstrates your confidence in your product and assures potential buyers that they’re making a safe investment.
  8. CTA that compels Action: Don’t leave your visitors hanging! Include a clear call to action (CTA) that tells them exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, or contacting you for more information. Use strong verbs and contrasting buttons to make your CTA stand out and guide them towards the next step.

1. Grab Attention & Make An Impression With A Bold Headline

Marketers will say that the point of a headline is to get the reader to read the next line. But sometimes a headline can be so powerful it compels people to read every damn word about your product.

Landing a visitor on your website is just the first hurdle. The real challenge? Keep them there long enough to see your value, let alone click “buy.” In the age of lightning-fast attention spans (think: 10 seconds per page!), users flit between websites like butterflies in a meadow, skipping over anything that doesn’t instantly scream “relevance.”

So, before you unleash the “20% OFF!” sirens, consider this: your headline is your first impression, your digital handshake. A weak one sends visitors packing, while a powerful one draws them in like moths to a flame. That’s where the magic of crafting a brilliant headline comes in.

Hook Them in With a Catchy Headline

Think of your headline as a spotlight for your service, grabbing attention and illuminating its value. While “Dog Boarding in St. Pete, FL” simply states location, “St. Pete’s Most Trusted Dog Boarding: Stress-Free Stays for Your Pup” instantly piques curiosity.

People are coming to your sales page with a specific problem and they want a specific solution or outcome. They don’t want to “reach their goals”, they want to lose 10 pounds. They don’t want to “be more productive”, they want to cut their workdays down from 9 hours to 6.

Local keywords like “St. Pete” are SEO gold, while highlighting unique selling points (like “trusted”) sets you apart. Remember, the <h1> tag is your megaphone, so use it for your key message. Craft a headline that’s clear, compelling, and keyword-rich – the first step to winning over local customers.

Include a Subhead

People are skeptical of what they read online. The moment you make a big promise, they’re going to come up with reasons why “it could never work for me”.

In the dating market, where I write a lot of copy, you hear the same excuses over and over. “I’m not rich, not in shape, not good looking, too old, women don’t want a guy who was divorced, etc.”

Your headline grabbed their attention, but now it’s time to answer the burning question: “What’s in it for me?” In this subheading, keep it concise and laser-focused on the value your customer gains. Show them, don’t tell them, how you solve their pain points.

Two sentences, packed with benefit-driven keywords, should be enough to pique their interest and propel them into the heart of your content. Use this prime real estate to highlight the transformative power of your solution and set the stage for a conversion-driven journey.

2. Provide Them With a Quick Overview

Visitors to your web page want to grasp key points fast. Design your content for skin ability to help them find what they need. Start with a concise overview right after the headline. 

This quick snapshot gives users a clear understanding of your page’s value and lets them decide if it’s the right fit for their needs.

Create a Section Headline for the Overview

“Most trusted”? Sure, sounds nice. But let’s face it, leaving your furry friend with strangers can feel, well, sketchy. You want peace of mind, not pup-arazzi pics, right? 

That’s where St. Pete’s top dog-boarding facilities come in, staffed with trusted professionals who’ll treat your pup like family. Forget the worry, embrace the wag – read on and discover your pup’s perfect home-away-from-home.

Briefly Describe the Problem and the Solution

We understand the challenges you face. We have the solutions you need. Let us work together to overcome them.

Finish Strong With a CTA

Ever clicked through a website, unsure what to do next? That’s the CTA trap! A Call to Action (CTA) tells you exactly how to engage with us, whether it’s a quick call, a convenient form, or booking an appointment.

Skip the search and move forward smoothly. We understand – your time is valuable. That’s why our CTAs are always clear, concise, and just a click away.

Ready to connect?

  • Pick up the phone and chat: [Phone Number]
  • Prefer online? Fill out a quick form: [Link to Form]
  • Get expert advice – schedule a free consultation: [Link to Booking Page]

3. Let Them Know Why Your Product or Service Is The Best

Standing out in a crowded field can be tough. In today’s market, your customers have countless options, so why should they choose you?

The answer lies in showcasing how your unique offerings address their specific needs and deliver exceptional value. Instead of simply listing features, focus on the benefits: how will your service/product make their lives easier, better, or more successful?

Add a Compelling Benefit or Feature Headline

Don’t let your benefits get you sleepy! This is prime real estate to hook viewers. A bland “Benefits” heading won’t cut it – they’ll keep scrolling faster than a cheetah on espresso.

Specificity is key. Think headlines like “Supercharge Your Results with Lightning-Fast Service” or “Unlock Growth with Data-Driven Decisions”. These instantly spark curiosity and make them desperate to know more.

Bonus tip: SEO-friendly formatting matters. Wrap that headline in an <h2> tag and watch it shine!

Highlight the Feature or Benefit With a Quick Description

Avoid lengthy boasts about your product’s greatness. Shoppers skim, so get to the point quickly.

Highlight what makes you the best solution for their needs, using clear, benefit-focused language. Short sentences and bullet points improve readability and scannability. 

4. Walk Them Through Your Process

Once the customer has chosen their product, guide them effortlessly through the next steps.

A clear and seamless purchase journey builds trust and confidence, reducing cart abandonment and boosting customer satisfaction.

Eliminate any confusion by clearly outlining each step, from adding items to checkout, and ensure a smooth, foolproof experience that converts browsers into happy buyers.

Create a Headline for Your Process

This concise, action-oriented headline uses strong verbs and emphasizes the benefit for the customer (“see the clarity”). It also incorporates the SEO-friendly keyword “process” directly.

The rest of the paragraph can remain the same:

You want the customer to know exactly what this section is about.

This will use the <h2> tag.

Breakdown Your Process Steps

Don’t let complexity scare your customers away! Keep your process clear and concise, so it feels like a smooth stroll, not a confusing maze. Bombarding them with intricate steps will send them scrambling for simpler options.

Think of each step as a stepping stone: use <h3> tags to highlight them, then offer a bite-sized explanation in a sentence or two. Simple, right? Check out this visual for inspiration.

Excited to take the first step? That’s the feeling! Onboarding your journey just got smooth and seamless, leaving you ready to dive in with confidence.

5. Give The Buyer Confidence With Social Proof

A common objection in the minds of consumers is whether or not a brand is the RIGHT company or person for them. 

Trust is a huge factor that determines a customer’s decision to buy from you. 

So it’s important that a sales page communicates social proof and authority through testimonials, social media stats, press coverage, credentials, experience and any other credibility factors.

However, authority is not just something you slap into a single section on the salespage — I like to see it communicated throughout the copy as much as possible.

Share positive feedback from happy customers who’ve experienced the value you offer.

Or, highlight a brief overview of your strengths and values, showcasing what makes you stand out.

Seeing others’ satisfaction can spark confidence in your decision. Remember, trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and your message should reflect that.

Start With a Trust-Building Headline

Sure, “Customer Testimonials” is the tried-and-true, but let’s face it, it doesn’t exactly jump off the page.

Your headline deserves to share the spotlight in building trust! Consider amping it up with something like, “Why [Your Brand] is Pawsitively the Best Choice for Your Furry Friend.” 

Boom! Now you’ve got a catchy hook that sparks curiosity and subtly hints at the social proof to come.

Show off a Little

Ready to share your glowing feedback?  If you have a treasure trove of testimonials (you rock!), pick your top two or three that shine the brightest.

Focus on testimonials that echo the benefits and features you highlighted earlier. Think short and sweet – attention spans are precious! Wall o’ text can be a buzzkill, so let your point shine through with punch and efficiency.

6. Clearly Address Pricing

By the time they reach your pricing page, potential customers are eager to understand their investment.

Hiding costs or dancing around them can raise doubts and lead them elsewhere. Embrace transparency!

A clear and concise pricing section builds trust and demonstrates the value you offer.

Add a Pricing Headline

This headline directly addresses the user’s interest in the product’s benefits and answers their unspoken question: “How can I achieve XYZ with this?”. It’s concise, engaging, and uses a keyword (“pricing”) relevant to the section’s content.

Alternatively, you could try one of these options:

  • Explore your perfect XYZ fit: Check out our plans and pricing. (Appeals to finding the right solution)
  • Investing in your success: See how XYZ pricing scales with your needs. (Emphasizes value and flexibility)

No matter which option you choose, focus on clarity, benefit-driven language, and relevant keywords to guide users and boost SEO.

Give a Price Breakdown

Make pricing clear and easy to find. For simple services or products, display prices upfront. 

If pricing is more complex or customized, explain how to access pricing information, like a pricing table or a contact form for a quote. Be as transparent as possible!

7. Risk-Reversal With A Guarantee

In other words, how does the copy make the purchase process seem easy, safe, and risk-free?

People like to be told exactly what to do and what is going to happen next, so the copy needs to assure them that they will be taken care of every step of the way… 

From the moment they add the product to the cart, to when it will be delivered, to how it can be returned if it doesn’t work out. 

This is where you’d want to include any:

  • Security language
  • Verifications
  • Return or exchange policies
  • Next steps & delivery details

In other words, this is where you want to debunk the fear of, “Am I going to be screwed over by this company/person?”

8. Finish Off Strong With A Final CTA

Whether it’s a single button or a multi-tiered order section — the call-to-action, or CTA, needs to pack a serious punch. 

It must only take a second for the prospect to understand exactly where to click and how to buy the product. 

Your CTA should be clear and straight to the point. For instance:

  • “Order Now”
  • “Get Instant Access”
  • “Enroll Now”

It can appear multiple times though.

For example, if you have a longer sales page, then you’d probably want to include your call-to-action button 2 to 3 times throughout the copy. And always always always make a CTA the very last thing someone would see if they scroll to the very bottom of your page. 

Create Your Final Headline

This is the last thing the customer sees. Finish it off with a powerful headline that compels the customer to do something.

Be sure to format it with the <h2> tag.

Overall Feel & Flow

This is less about the copy itself and more about the readability of your sales page which is an insanely important factor to consider.

Once you have the first 8 conversion and traffic tips covered, it’s time to sit back, look at the entire picture, and ask yourself:

  1. Is the sales page messaging consistent and coherent throughout?
  2. Is the page easy to skim with clear section titles that guide me down the page?
  3. Was everything easy to read or did I stop to read any sentences twice? 
  4. Were there any glaring gaps or illogical links?

Make sure that the copy is simple and effective. 

I’ve said this a few times before and I’ll say it again — studies have shown that the average reader reads at a 7th-grade level.  So there’s no need for wordiness, fancy explanations, or long lists of adjectives in a single sentence.  

I personally find that reading the entire sales page out loud helps me answer these questions. 

Final Thoughts

Successful sales pages are not easy to find – however, they are a testimony to a lot of work and time spent in testing, analysis, and design. Your sales page is where all your marketing efforts come to fruition.

Without fabulous website sales pages, you’re relying on word-of-mouth recommendations and random encounters, which are fickle and unscalable. If you want to scale your business and convert browsers into buyers, you need to know how to write sales pages (that sell!).

Jugnu Nagar
Author: Jugnu Nagar

SEO Specialist

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