SaaS PPC Guide For Explosive Growth In 2024


For SaaS businesses aiming to scale, blockbuster marketing tactics like Super Bowl ads or billboards might not be the winning move. While they reach millions, they might miss the bullseye entirely, failing to connect with your ideal customer.

Tired of casting a wide net and catching minnows? SaaS PPC can reel in high-value fish by targeting potential customers actively searching for your solutions. Think less door-to-door salesman, more personalised meeting with a qualified prospect.

On platforms like Google Ads, you can craft laser-focused campaigns that attract decision-makers already primed for your offering.

This guide dives into the essentials of building a winning SaaS PPC strategy, from tailoring approaches for B2B and B2C audiences to forecasting campaign profitability and beyond. Discover how to optimise your spending, maximise ROI, and turn clicks into paying customers.

What is PPC? (And Why It’s A Great Marketing Tool For Saas Businesses)

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising isn’t just about internet billboards – it’s about laser-targeting potential customers on search engines at their moment of need. Forget traditional banner ads; imagine placing your message right when someone searches for “best enterprise project management app.”

This precision targeting, unmatched by basic demographics, makes PPC ideal for SaaS companies. Forget guessing – you’re directly interacting with users actively seeking your solution. Tailor your ad messaging to their specific needs: enterprise features for big fish, freemium options for startups.

And the best part? PPC is a data-driven marketing heaven. No more theoretical ROI. Track everything in real-time: which ads click best, which keywords convert, customer acquisition costs, even ad placement based on your bids. The platform throws metrics at you (as long as you set up conversion tracking, of course!).

So, skip the fishing net approach. With PPC, you’re casting a laser-focused line directly to your ideal customers, one targeted ad at a time.

The Main Challenge With Saas PPC: Driving Meaningful Conversions

While PPC offers fantastic reach for SaaS businesses, directly converting buyers during a single online interaction is notoriously challenging. In fact, with an average conversion rate of just 2.4% in 2020, SaaS companies lagged behind other industries – clocking in five times lower than media and twice as low as finance.

So, don’t fall into the trap of seeing PPC as a money-making machine. Without a well-defined strategy and compelling value proposition, it can easily become a money pit. Optimising ad copy and keywords is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly succeed, you need to:

  • Position your company strategically: Highlight what makes you unique and address your target audience’s specific pain points.
  • Nurture leads with a thoughtful sales funnel: Don’t expect instant conversions. Instead, guide potential customers through a series of valuable interactions that build trust and demonstrate your solution’s worth.
  • Craft a seamless onboarding process: Engage freemium and paying users alike, ensuring they see the full potential of your SaaS offering.

Skipping any step in this process can derail your PPC campaigns and hinder long-term success. But, by investing in a comprehensive approach, you can convert clicks into actual paying customers, making PPC a powerful tool for your SaaS business.

How To Create PPC Campaigns For SaaS (That Actually Land You Paying Customers)

Master the art of SaaS PPC: Dive deep into the essential steps of crafting high-performing PPC campaigns for your SaaS business. We’ll guide you through building a targeted strategy, selecting winning keywords, and optimising your campaign structure for maximum reach and conversions.

Before We Dive In: Key Differences In PPC Goals For B2B And B2c-Focused Saas

While both B2B and B2C SaaS businesses vie for customers in the digital realm, their ideal marketing frameworks diverge significantly. Why? B2B buyers often require a longer courtship than impulsive B2C consumers. This is where a multi-channel approach shines for B2B SaaS.

Think of PPC as the initial spark, grabbing attention with targeted ads. But don’t expect instant conversions. Instead, leverage email marketing and social retargeting to nurture leads, build trust, and showcase your expertise. Virtual events and webinars, tackling your ideal customer’s pain points, are goldmines for generating qualified leads and setting the stage for future sales.

In contrast, B2C SaaS can often take a more direct route. Freemium models, offering a taste of your product’s magic, can be highly effective in attracting individual users and freelancers. They get immediate value, and you get a foot in the door.

Calculate The Average Value Of Leads/Freemium Users To Forecast Roi

Investing in ads without understanding their potential return is like throwing darts blindfolded. To hit your marketing bullseye, focus on what truly matters: the value of each new lead or freemium user. This key metric informs your entire ad strategy, guiding budget allocation and maximising ROI.

So, before diving into campaign details, dig into your existing customer data and unearth these valuable insights:

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The average revenue a customer generates over their relationship with you.
  • Freemium to Paid Conversion Rate: The percentage of free users who become paying customers.
  • Average Freemium User Value: CLTV divided by the freemium to paid conversion rate. This reveals the hidden worth of your free users.
  • Average Lead Conversion Rate & Deal Value: Understand how your leads progress into paying customers and the revenue they bring.

Armed with these figures, you can calculate your ideal acquisition cost (CAC): the maximum you should spend to acquire a new customer while maintaining profitability. This knowledge lets you ditch vanity metrics like CPC and CTR, focusing solely on what drives sustainable growth: acquiring customers who pay.

Start With Long-Tail Middle-Of-Funnel (Or Lower) Keywords

While a SPAC-backed SaaS might have seemingly endless marketing firepower, general top-of-funnel keywords, despite their high volume, aren’t always the best path to immediate impact. Instead, consider laser-focusing on keywords aligned with the middle and bottom stages of the customer journey.

Think of these keywords as breadcrumbs leading potential customers directly towards your solution. They signal an active need for what you offer, with a higher likelihood of converting into paying users. Top-of-funnel keywords, while crucial for brand awareness, may only tell you someone has a problem; they might not be ready for a serious software investment just yet.

Tailor Landing Pages To The Needs Of Each Audience

Customers come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique needs and priorities. When it comes to PPC, catering to these differences with a one-size-fits-all landing page simply won’t cut it. The search terms people use often reveal specific needs that a generic product page overlooks.

Take “CRM that integrates with Stripe” as an example. Targeting this keyword requires a dedicated landing page showcasing seamless Stripe integration as the headline act. The same strategy applies to distinct customer segments like “small business CRM” or “enterprise CRM.”

Look no further than Slack for a masterclass in tailoring landing pages. Their enterprise page ditches the friendly “Slack is your digital HQ” tagline for a message emphasising robust scalability and security – features paramount to large organisations.

Follow Basic PPC Principles, Like Using A STAG Campaign Structure

Building a strong PPC campaign starts with a well-structured foundation. That’s where STAG, a strategy favoured by PPC pros, comes in. It stands for Single Theme Ad Groups and involves grouping related keywords under a common theme.

Imagine “SMB accounting software” and “small business account app” in the same ad group. They share a theme: accounting solutions for small businesses. This lets you craft ads and landing pages that speak directly to users searching for those terms.

Integrate Google Ads With Your CRM To See Which Keywords Drive Sales

While leads and free users offer valuable insights for revenue forecasting, relying solely on these metrics can paint a misleading picture of your ad campaign’s true performance. A keyword like “free accounting app” might attract hundreds of sign-ups compared to “enterprise accounting software’s” ten, yet generate significantly less revenue.

To make data-driven decisions about maximising your ad spend, it’s crucial to understand where your paying customers actually come from. Integrating your CRM with platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads unlocks this hidden potential.

Visualise average deal size segmented by keywords, campaigns, and even individual ads. This granular level of detail pinpoints the keywords driving high-value conversions, allowing you to prioritise investments for maximum ROI.

Use retargeting strategically to ease concerns and drive sales

Ever see those ads following you around the internet after you browse a website? While their persistence can feel intrusive, “retargeting” (also known as remarketing) can actually be a valuable tool for businesses to engage past visitors and turn them into paying customers.

It’s not just about nagging people; done right, remarketing can address specific concerns and objections, ultimately driving conversions and sales.

The key to effective remarketing? Targeting! Instead of bombarding everyone with the same ad, you can tailor your message based on user behaviour.

Visited a specific product page? Show them a targeted offer highlighting its benefits. Engaged with a pricing page? Address potential cost concerns with case studies or testimonials.

This personalised approach ensures your ads are relevant and timely, removing the “stalker” vibe and boosting their effectiveness.

Combine With Other Channels — Like Email Marketing Or Even Live Events

For many companies, PPC is the workhorse of their marketing strategy. But to truly thrive, a standalone PPC approach isn’t enough. Integrating PPC with other channels amplifies its impact and propels your SaaS growth.

Here’s how an ideal omnichannel mix can supercharge your PPC efforts:

Forge Lasting Connections:

  • Traditional B2B tactics: Meet potential customers face-to-face through events and field sales, building trust and understanding their needs.
  • Digital events: Host webinars or demos to showcase your product’s value and nurture leads further down the funnel.

Nurture and Convert Leads:

  • Email marketing: Keep leads engaged with personalised messages, guiding them through the buying journey and onboarding new users seamlessly.
  • Content marketing & SEO: Educate your audience, establish thought leadership, and attract organic traffic. While ranking for high-competition SaaS keywords takes time, informative content targeting low-hanging keywords builds trust and gradually lays the foundation for future SEO success.

Capture Bottom-of-Funnel Traffic:

  • PPC: Maximise reach and target users actively searching for solutions your product provides. This ensures you don’t miss out on valuable, ready-to-convert traffic.

Use PPC to Quickly Test New Markets (Countries, Industry-Specific Software, Etc.)

Craving pastures new beyond your local stomping grounds? Pay-per-click (PPC) can be your compass for mapping out promising markets and audience segments.

Ever dreamt of venturing into the realm of vertical SaaS – tailored software for a specific industry? PPC lets you test the waters with targeted search ads and landing pages. Think “CRM for dentists” instead of the broader “CRM software” – niche appeal gets noticed!

Curious about neighbouring regions or even international horizons?

Learn from the data and improve messaging and targeting over time

Skipping this crucial step leaves you optimising in the dark, relying solely on hunches and best guesses.

From the get-go, set up Google Analytics with clear conversion goals. This empowers you to track not just PPC-driven conversions, but also how other channels, like organic search or social media, contribute to your success. Google Analytics’ “Top conversion paths” view sheds light on this intricate collaboration.

For your PPC campaigns, unlock detailed performance data. Get granular insights into the acquisition cost of individual keywords, ads, and landing pages. Leverage this knowledge to prioritise high-performing keywords and refine your landing pages based on metrics like bounce rate.

Ready to start using PPC in your SaaS marketing strategy?

Traffic’s great, but sales are even better. If you’re serious about boosting your bottom line, PPC can be your digital powerhouse.

But running a paid ads campaign that generates profit instead of a drain requires expertise. Keyword targeting, landing page optimization, and strategic channel selection are just the tip of the iceberg.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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