11 Actionable Email Marketing Examples For A Successful Campaign

Email Marketing Examples

 As digital marketing strategies have evolved, a question that keeps coming up is: “is email marketing still important?”

Short answer? Yes!

Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing, and it remains just as important in 2024 as it has been in the past.

“79% of marketers list email marketing in their top 3 most effective marketing channels.” HubSpot

Here’s an interesting fact: In 2020, a whopping 4.03 billion people around the world used email, according to Statista! And guess what? It’s expected to go up even more in the future.

Brands can share personalized content through email to build credibility and trust, as well as create relationships with their audience. They can share information, give discounts, and provide updates to help readers connect.

But here’s another fact: as of April 2021, all social media networks together have 4.33 billion people who actively use them. We’ve lined up 11 actionable email marketing content examples that’ll help you create a successful email campaign..

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is when businesses send emails to customers and potential customers to promote their products or services and build loyalty.

Email has been around for a while, and it’s expected that by 2025, there will be over 376.4 billion emails sent and received every day. Because email is so widely used, it’s common for businesses to include it in their marketing strategies.

Companies use email marketing campaigns to send lots of emails to current and new customers, aiming to increase awareness, generate leads, and boost sales.

Emails like newsletters, promotions, discounts, messages about abandoned carts, feedback surveys, and other types all fall under the umbrella of email marketing. They contain links that lead back to your website or product pages. While this might seem a bit like spam to some, a carefully written email can positively affect your readers and significantly grow your customer base.

With email content, you get a special chance to teach and advertise. For instance, you can send out a newsletter that shares all your latest helpful resources and also talks about your products.

Most marketing methods involve both informative and promotional messages. This plan keeps existing customers informed and interested in between transactions, while also encouraging new potential customers to purchase what you’re offering.

Moreover, email marketing is more personal than other types of marketing.

Email campaigns can be customized to match what your target audience likes. It’s a great way to nurture potential customers because you can adjust your approach based on their profile and how they interact with your company.

Why Most Companies Use Email Marketing in 2023

38% of brands are increasing their email budget, and just 10% are making cuts. (HubSpot Blog Research, 2023)

Great Return on Investment (ROI)

The main reason businesses should use email marketing is because it gives a lot of value. Hubspot says, email ROI is an impressive $42 for every $1 spent. That’s a huge 4200% profit!

No other type of marketing can give you results like that.

These numbers show that email is a budget-friendly tool for marketers, but why does it work better than other methods when it comes to return on investment (ROI)?

The key lies in sending highly personalized and relevant messages. Unlike social media, where you might post updates to all your followers, no matter where they are, their interests, or what they’ve bought before, email lets you be super-focused with your messages.

Deliver Personalized Content

Businesses can use email marketing to share personalized information. Marketers can make sure that brand emails get good results by using precise audience segmentation.

Marketers can customize every part of the email, from the subject line to the pictures, to connect with their target group. You can send various versions of the same email to different groups and individual preferences.

You can get more people to open and engage with your emails by making them personal. Need more reasons? Research shows that customizing emails can boost the number of opened emails by 22.28% and the number of clicks by 3.32%.

Get Feedback on Your Product or Service

You can gather opinions and check how happy customers are by sending simple email surveys or polls. Some people might not want to share their thoughts on social media, but they could feel comfortable responding to an email survey.

This way, brands can handle each problem or question personally. Customers will appreciate being heard.

Qualify and Nurture Leads

Email marketing is a great way to build relationships and encourage people to buy your products. It helps in staying connected with potential customers, offering promotions, and giving discounts.

As a marketer, focusing on building connections and increasing sales, email marketing stands out among other ways businesses communicate. Emails are an important part of content marketing.

For example, if someone provides their email to get a whitepaper from your website, you can use it to send them emails gradually, turning them into customers over time.

Develop Audience Relationships

To build loyalty, brands need to connect with their target audience. Sending a well-crafted marketing email to people already interested in the brand is the best way to keep them engaged.

Positive experiences create loyal customers who become brand ambassadors, offering social proof. They can suggest your products to their friends and family, boosting brand visibility and generating leads.

Boost Website Traffic

Emails have links and buttons that guide readers to your product page or content, boosting online visits. More visits help with search engine optimization (SEO) and enhance search engine rankings, making it simpler for users to find your website.


Sending emails to promote your business costs less compared to other types of advertising. You don’t need to shell out a lot of money just to connect with your intended audience. To make a great email, you only require a group of skilled writers and designers.

11 of the Best Email Marketing Examples

Several things could affect how well your email marketing campaign works, but that doesn’t mean making a great email has to be hard. Let’s check out a few brands that did it well:

  1. American Eagle

Subject line: Those jeans are the perfect fit for your vibe.

American Eagle shows how to connect with people by using language that its main customers would use. It’s friendly, easy to understand, and not too pushy about selling things, all while promoting the brand’s products.

This email has a few suggestions that guide customers back to the brand’s products, followed by a list of the brand’s most popular jeans. It’s a simple but effective way. There are no fancy designs, complicated words, or tricky mind games, just the basics done right. 

Lastly, the email includes links to American Eagle’s apps, rewards program, store locator, and gift cards. Even if someone isn’t interested in what’s in the email, returning customers can quickly find what they’re looking for.

2. Netflix

Marketing Campaign: Engagement

Over half of homes in the United States have more than one streaming service. With numerous channels competing for our attention, big companies like Netflix are now more specific in how they talk to us.

This email from Netflix shows a carefully chosen list of new shows that you might like, depending on what you’ve watched before. It’s easy to quickly go through, with lots of pictures showcasing the new releases and a prompt encouraging you to watch the trailer.

It also uses Netflix’s famous black-and-red design, making you feel like you’re on Netflix, emphasizing how important it is to keep the same look across all your messaging platforms.

3. Rael

Subject line: PSA: This popular item is back in stock…

Encourage customers to buy more by letting them know when popular items are back in stock. Take a cue from the self-care brand Rael, which uses “back in stock” emails to grab users’ attention for a specific product.

Look at the words in the email right above the picture of the product. It says, “Get it before it sells out (again)!”

This is a great way to make people feel like they might miss out and encourage them to act quickly. The message also makes the product look really good. It suggests that the product is so amazing that it sells out fast, and customers should grab it as soon as they can.

Like other retail businesses, Rael shows more products below the main picture, along with links to special deals.

4. Starbucks

Marketing Campaign: Promotion

Did you see that? Did you see it move? Isn’t it cool? This small animation makes this email stand out from other still emails in the inbox.

It also emphasizes exclusivity by presenting the promotion as a perk of being a Starbucks member. This way of presenting often makes the receiver feel special, encouraging them to make the most of the special opportunity

On the final page, it says, “This offer is just for you and your Starbucks Rewards account and can’t be copied, given to someone else, or used by anyone else.” How much more exclusive can it get? It’s fantastic.

5. Grammarly

Subject line: You’re quite the word-wonder!

Grammarly helps people connect and engage better by keeping track of how they use the platform. Users can opt to get a weekly email that sums up their activity, productivity, words they use, errors they make, and other details.

These Insight emails are like a game from Grammarly, encouraging users to keep using the app to improve their stats, word usage, and writing.

At the end of the emails, there’s a list of weekly news and tips that lead back to articles on the Grammarly website, bringing in more visitors. This approach lets you share insights with your audience, show off your product’s value, and also highlight your content, apps, and deals.

6. Loft

Marketing Campaign: Email Preferences

Loft’s email aims to show they understand your busy and varied inbox. Loft suggests that their subscribers change their preferences to help them tailor a more personal experience, delivering emails you genuinely want to open.

This customer-friendly email does a great job of making the recipient feel that their preferences and opinions are important.

7. Harpoon Brewery

Marketing Campaign: Customer Delight

“My Harpoon is really thoughtful, aren’t they? This straightforward, on-time email feels like it came from a friend, and that’s why it works so well. Email campaigns can easily become too automatic in a time of email automation.

Even though I’m sure this email was automated, it feels very human to me. If you want to strengthen your bond with your current customers, think about sending them a simple email like this to let them know you’re thinking about them.”

8. Touch of Modern

Subject line: 24hr Special: Up to 60% Off Pilot Watches, Up to 80% Off Smart Toothbrushes & more!

Time-limited deals are a great way to create a sense of urgency and boost sales. Touch of Modern adds a time limit in the email subject and throughout the message, making consumers feel the need to grab items before time is up.

You want your buyers to think, “I have to get this charger quickly,” and then go ahead and purchase it. This is where short-term discounts and special deals come in.

As you scroll down, Touch of Modern showcases more sales, each with a time limit. Businesses with a smaller product selection can enhance it by suggesting specific items or related products.

9. Uber

Marketing Campaign: Engagement

The simplicity of Uber’s emails is what makes them beautiful. Emails like this one let subscribers know about special offers and promotions. We like how the initial description is short and clear, with a very obvious Call-to-Action (CTA) – great for subscribers quickly going through the email.

If you want more details, the heading is followed by a longer (but still easy to understand) list of the benefits of scheduling a ride to the airport in advance. We also appreciate how Uber’s emails match their brand.

The emails, just like the app, website, social media pictures, and other visual elements, use a black-and-white color scheme and a unique font.

10. Mom and Dad Money

Marketing Campaign: Questionnaire

Do you think you have a good understanding of the people who get your marketing emails? How much of what you “know” about them is just guessing?

Besides looking at market trends, the most helpful buyer personas come from learning about your actual readers through surveys, interviews, and similar methods.

This is what Matt Becker from Mom and Dad Money does, and he does it really well. Below is an email I got from them. It’s not fancy, but that’s intentional. It looks like an email from a friend or coworker asking for a small favor.

11. Dropbox

Marketing Campaign: Re-Engagement

Thinking about liking an email from a company whose product you haven’t tried can seem tough. However, Dropbox has made it easy with their ‘Try one of our products!’ email.

It’s professional, polite, and easy to act on, thanks to a clear call-to-action and direct links to template libraries.

The email is short and to the point, emphasizing that Dropbox doesn’t want to bother you — they just want to remind you about Dropbox Paper and why it might be helpful.

When sending these emails, consider including a limited-time offer or a free trial to encourage trying one of your unique items.

How to build a successful email marketing campaign

Feeling fired up by the email examples above? Ready to launch your own campaign or breathe fresh life into an existing one? Get ready to see results with these actionable steps:

1. Plan Your Campaign

A carefully planned email marketing strategy sets the foundation for a successful campaign. Start by figuring out your goals, budget, target audiences, and the types of people you’re trying to reach.

Avoid sending generic email blasts where only the names in each beginning phrase change – that’s not effective anymore. For things like sharing a company update, keep it simple with minimum personalization.

On the flip side, for promotional emails, it’s crucial to personalize more. Understand who you’re sending to and why. Tailor transactional emails, like order confirmations or abandoned cart emails, based on the customer’s actions or interests.

Try to match this level of personal touch in your marketing emails. Email specific groups of buyers. To make these groups, gather information from your website, store, and social media.

Develop different versions of the same email, each targeting a specific group. Marketers decide which types of emails to send and when to send them (like sending promotional emails every Friday) while planning.

2. Build Your Email List Effectively

You’ll need folks to send your email campaign for it to work. Making a list of potential contacts takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. Here are some simple ways to gather email addresses and build a list:

  • Add a sign-up form on your website. You can place it on the side of your content pages, offer it as an option after someone makes a purchase, or use pop-ups.
  • Host online contests where joining the email list is needed to enter.
  • Offer discounts when people sign up.
  • Develop an SEO strategy that involves creating special pages to encourage users to subscribe.

If you’re struggling to get good results with SEO and content marketing, feel free to reach out to our SEO experts for a free chat. We can help you create a smart plan to generate leads using SEO and top-notch content.

Did you know that around half of the people who visit your website leave without doing anything? And did you know that some websites have a bounce rate of over 90%?

I suggest using exit-intent popups to turn visitors who are about to leave into subscribers and customers.

3. Create an Email Design Guide

Develop a clear guide for email design to help marketers, copywriters, and designers with their work. This guide provides instructions on:

  • Content
  • Brand identity
  • Brand colors
  • Image guidelines
  • Email layout
  • Fonts
  • CTAs
  • Templates

Start your design guide with the most crucial information at the top. If there are clear instructions on how to build each part of an email, it eliminates any chance of confusion, mistakes, or low-quality content.

Remember, all your emails should be straightforward and to the point. Even if the newsletter is longer, steer clear of going off-topic and unnecessary details. Teams can also make templates for specific types of emails to speed up the process of creating and sending them.

4. Focus on the subject lines

The email subject line is really crucial. It’s the part that decides if people will open or delete your email. There aren’t strict rules about how long it should be.

In a study from 2020, they found that longer subject lines work better. Subject lines with around 250 characters had an impressive 33% open rate.

The survey also discovered that using emojis in the title might slightly boost open rates. Surprisingly, though, 96% of marketers avoid using them.

According to Campaign Monitor data, the majority of subject lines have 41 to 50 characters. On mobile phones, only a small part of your subject line is seen, so it’s smart to start with the most important details.

But, don’t stress too much about the number of characters. Instead, focus on grabbing your target audience’s attention in a way that matters to them. Also, keep in mind to enhance the pre-header.

The preheader is the first line of text in your message that users see before opening the email, beside the subject line. Make it as interesting and relevant as you can.

Simply personalizing email subject lines can boost open rates by 50%. However, to impress and delight customers, it’s a good idea to take things a step further.

5. Segment Your Audience and Personalize Your Emails

Audience segmentation in email marketing is when you divide your list based on things like age, what people buy, and how they use your website and products. By doing this, you can customize your email content to what each group needs or struggles with.

This makes your emails more interesting to the people you want to reach, and it helps more of them do what you want, like making a purchase.

Breaking down your email audience lets you create versions that always matter to the reader. This is important because 72% of customers believe they’ll only engage with personalized marketing messages in 2021.

6. Use an Email Calendar

You can create a schedule for your emails, similar to a content calendar. This schedule will show when each email is going to be sent.

You can use different colors, symbols, and descriptions to easily identify the type of email, who it’s for, when it’s being sent, and how important it is. Automation tools can help arrange and send your emails faster.

Many of these tools also come with customizable templates for quick email writing. Another option is to have experts write your emails while you focus on planning and improving.

7. Test Your Emails

Testing is crucial for refining any email marketing strategy. First, conduct tests to check how your emails look on different devices and email platforms. If they’re not aligned or fail to load on some devices, it’s time to improve them.

A/B testing can help assess performance aspects like the most effective subject lines, optimal send times, and the preferred email version.

Make sure to check the stats from your email service provider, like who opened your emails, clicked on links, unsubscribed, or shared them. This helps you figure out what works and what doesn’t in your email marketing.

Also, keep an eye on your sender reputation – it affects if your emails get delivered. Use Sender Score to see if there are any issues stopping your emails from reaching people’s inboxes.

These tests will fine-tune your strategy to yield the best results.

8. Monitor and Optimize

Establish important performance measures (KPIs) according to your goals for email marketing and monitor them to check if the campaign is on the right path.

Some basic email analytics include:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Website traffic

If you use Google Analytics for your online store, you can also keep an eye on conversion rates, the money you make from each email, and other numbers. Each plan will have its own goals and signs of success.

For example, a plan to make your brand more well-known will focus on how many people open your emails and visit your site rather than just how much is sold. Keep an eye on how things are going and adjust your efforts to reach your goals.

If things aren’t going as planned, use the numbers to find and fix problems. Updating your email marketing regularly is important to stay in line with the latest trends, what your customers are into, and what’s happening in your industry.

Final Thoughts

Sending emails is a great way to connect with potential customers, keep them interested, and make existing ones happy.

The examples we shared earlier can help you create effective email campaigns that boost sales and give you good returns on your investment. Looking at those examples should have taught you something valuable.

Planning an email strategy might seem hard, but the key is to always think about your target audience, keep an eye on the right indicators, and keep getting better. It doesn’t matter how amazing or personalized your emails are if you can’t get people to sign up for your email list.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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