Voice Search Optimization – How To Optimize Your Site For Voice Search?

Voice Search Optimization

When voice search came out several years ago, it mostly used what was in the featured snippet of the SERPs. I would imagine that it still is something like that, but for the site I was working on back then, the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze, especially since Google/Amazon didn’t provide any data around the volume or analytics on performance for voice.

In 2016, a staggering 20% of Google app queries were performed through voice search, according to CEO Sundar Pichai. While comprehensive data for 2017 remains unavailable, this trend undeniably showcases a dramatic rise in voice search adoption.

The success of innovative products like Amazon Echo further underscores the growing comfort users have with this technology.

This shift has profound implications for how businesses market their products and services. The simple fact is, we speak differently than we type.

Did you know that voice-enabled shopping is growing rapidly and the number of digital voice assistants like Alexa are expected to rise to 8.40 billion devices by 2024.

As voice search continues its exponential growth, it will inevitably revolutionise the digital landscape, significantly impacting keyword identification and usage.

This necessitates a proactive approach by businesses to ensure their online presence is optimised for this evolving search paradigm.

Voice SEO Incredible Data

  • More than 4 out of 10 people in the USA use voice assistants, like Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. That’s abo.even bigger, reaching over $27 billion in just a few years.
  • Alexa is the most popular voice assistant in the US, with almost 4 out of 10 people using it.
  • By 2024, there will be more than 8 billion voice assistants in use around the world!
  • The most common things people use voice assistants for are playing music, checking the weather, and setting alarms or reminders.

Out with the old and in with the new

Before diving into the future of voice search and its impact on keyword usage, let’s revisit the fundamentals of keywords in SEO. Simply put, keywords are the bridges connecting users to your content.

When a user searches for something, search engines match their query to relevant content, showcasing the best results at the top.

Keywords come in two main flavours: short-tail and long-tail. Short-tail keywords, consisting of just one or two words like “birds” or “Florida birds,” function as a broad net, capturing a wide range of unspecific results.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords with three or more words, such as “birds native to Florida,” lead to significantly more specific and relevant searches.

These days, voice search is going to explore and in the coming days voice search is widely reaching out to their audience.

Voice Search is impact to SEO because of the following things:

  • Natural Language
  • Keyword Length
  • Question Words

While keywords act as the gateway, it’s the content itself that keeps users engaged. High-quality text, captivating images, and engaging multimedia remain crucial elements in driving user retention and satisfaction.

Be close to everyone

Voice search queries are increasingly specific to “near me” or “nearby”. Capitalise on this trend by targeting local business searches.

In an interesting study, “Backlinko discovered that websites ranking high in regular searches are also likely to show up when you use voice search. In fact, a whopping 3 out of 4 voice search results appear in the top 3 spots for the same question.”

Increase your Google My Business locations and geotag your photos with your business address. Encourage customers to geotag their posts about your business on social media.

Thoroughly fill out your profiles on platforms like Yelp, which are often used for voice search fulfilment.

Answer the questions being asked

Voice search presents a fascinating shift in user behaviour. Gone are the days of cryptic keyword strings; people now ask questions like they would a friend.

This conversational approach reflects a desire for effortless information retrieval, prioritising natural language over meticulous typing.

Imagine searching for birds in Florida. Instead of typing “birds native to Florida,” you might ask, “What type of birds are native to Florida?”

This natural phrasing highlights the key difference: voice search prioritises question-based queries.

The implications for businesses are clear: understanding these questions is paramount. Just like a journalist, your task is to ensure the answers are readily available.

This means incorporating your keywords into answers that address the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how” of your products and services.

While this new landscape presents a challenge in pinpointing exact keywords, their importance remains undeniable.

By analysing the questions users ask, businesses can unlock a treasure trove of insights, tailoring their content and strategies to meet the needs of their audience in the age of conversational search.

Navigating the future of voice search and SEO

SEO has always been a dynamic field, with search engines like Google constantly evolving their algorithms to maintain fairness and accuracy.

This can feel overwhelming, especially with the emergence of voice search, which presents a new set of challenges and opportunities.

However, it’s important to remember that traditional desktop and mobile searches haven’t vanished entirely.

While pinpointing the perfect keyword can feel like hitting a moving target, it’s still achievable. The key lies in understanding the broader context and adapting your strategies accordingly.

Observe it but unless you’re a big brand or know exactly how to niche piggy back into the newest tech it’s still not mature for most people.

That being said, Google, Amazon, Apple and others really want to naturally voice everything. They’re putting resources behind it but how much and when will it be good? Eh. I don’t use it extensively.

It’s like Facebook and Oculus, yeah VR will probably be huge, one day, maybe, it’s definitely not a mainstream tool unless you know the niche explicitly.

Facebook’s advertising platform, blueprint even has specs for creative.

Don’t hesitate to seek help – we’re here to guide you through the complexities of voice search, keyword optimization, SEO, and other blog-related concerns.

This revised paragraph retains the original meaning and information while introducing slight changes to improve SEO and readability.

It clarifies the point about the co-existence of search formats and emphasises the importance of adaptability and seeking help.

The use of keywords like “voice search,” “keywords,” “SEO,” and “blog” strategically throughout the text enhances its discoverability in search engines.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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