What Is Google Ads Quality Score & How Does it Affect Campaigns Budget

Google Ads Quality Score

Coke vs Pepsi, ketchup vs mustard, caring about Quality Score vs disregarding it—some conflicts are as old as time.

As more marketers turn to first- and third-party automation for top-notch results with less effort, the playing field levels out with everyone armed with the same bid management tools. The prevailing notion is that ad rank hinges solely on bids, downplaying the significance or benefits of enhancing Quality Score (QS).

But before delving into the nitty-gritty, let’s first understand what a quality score entails and how it’s computed.

What is Quality Score?

The Quality Score is a number that shows how good and related your ads, keywords, and landing pages are for the average user.

According to Google, “Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions.

You can use it to enhance your focus, create ads and pages that match better, and thus improve your ad rank without spending more money.

Quality Score is figured on a scale of 1 to 10 and shown for each of your keywords. Google calculates it by comparing your ad performance with data from other advertisers. The score considers three main things: expected click-through rate, ad relevance, and the user’s experience on the landing page.

Think of Quality Score as a helpful signpost instead of a fancy performance gauge that needs to be cranked up to the maximum. In simpler terms, aim to enhance the aspects that Quality Score supposedly evaluates without getting too fixated on the number itself.

How to Calculate a Quality Score

What Does Quality Score Mean?

Many advertisers are in competition for the top spots on result pages, with Google having to decide which ads show up first and which ones come later.

Initially, the plan was to favor the highest bidder, but this got scrapped due to worries about illegal ads and spam. Just having a big budget doesn’t guarantee good-quality or relevant ads.

That’s where Quality Score comes in. It’s Google’s way of evaluating ads, figuring out how likely people are to click on them, and if they match what users are searching for. Google wants to encourage advertisers to improve their ad quality so that users trust the platform.

Additionally, when more people click on your ad, Google earns more money. It’s a win-win situation.

Why Is Quality Score So Important?

A good Quality Score doesn’t guarantee lots of sales from your ad, but it does give a thumbs up to your ad and how it’s aimed.

On the flip side, a not-so-great Quality Score doesn’t mean your campaign crashed and burned; it just suggests you might want to rethink how you’re advertising, tweak your ad wording, or make similar adjustments.

Quality Score influences Ad Rank, a factor Google uses to decide where your ad shows up and if it even shows up at all. Ad Rank essentially multiplies your bid by your quality score (and does the same for everyone else), with the highest scores snagging the top spots.

That’s the deal with Quality Score—it can amp up or dial down the impact of your bids.

Understanding Google Ads quality criteria will help you outperform your competitors, even if they have bigger budgets. Making your campaigns more relevant and helpful to your target audience might help you get a higher ranking while also saving money.

If your ads meet the needs of your potential clients and thus satisfy Google, your life as a marketer will be easier:

  • Your actual cost-per-click will be lower than your maximum bid because you’ll only have to pay for the ad slot and any potential ad extensions.
  • Instead of attracting random people, your ads target customers with expressed buying interest.
  • You improve the quality of your landing page by making it more straightforward, to the point, and focused on sales, allowing you to convert traffic from other sources as well.

If you’re not sure if Google Ads is a good idea, keep reading to find out how you can succeed even when others don’t.

How to Improve Your Google Quality Score

Google’s Quality Score has three main parts. The expected click-through rate (CTR) tells you how likely people are to click your ad when they see it for that search. Ad relevancy is about how well your ad fits the search intent. Landing page experience shows how good and helpful your landing page is for those who click your ad.

If any of these Quality Score factors get a rating of “Below average” or “Average,” you need to focus on them. Now, let’s talk about how you can make each Google Quality Score metric better.

#1. Optimize Your Ad To Improve Your Expected Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The goal is to make an ad that catches the eye and instantly makes the user go, “That’s just what I needed.” To do this, you need to refine your ad text and pay attention to your keywords. Here’s how to do it.

Revise your ad copy and make your ad mirror the intent of your keywords

Ensure your description effectively communicates your offer and sparks people’s interest. Incorporate words that align with your keyword. Utilize dynamic verbs, talk directly to the user, and be specific—add crucial details, numbers, achievements, or stats to enhance your company’s credibility. Highlight if it’s a limited-time offer to create a sense of urgency. Additionally, confirm that your landing page URL relates to the search query and clearly shows consumers where the click will take them.

Prioritize long-tail keywords

Opt for more precise, less commonly searched phrases to appeal to buyers who are ready to make a purchase and are clear about their preferences. For instance, instead of using the general term “running shoes,” consider using “cushioned running shoes for bad knees.” Experiment with placing keywords in various parts of your content to figure out the most impactful arrangement.

Emphasize your USP

Ensure your target audience understands why your offer is better than the competition. Instead of repeating what every other ad says, focus on showcasing your unique strengths.

Make your CTAs more emotive and attention-grabbing

Upgrade your CTAs by swapping feeble nouns with lively verbs to enhance the impact of your prompts. Instead of just selecting “Cooking training,” take the step to “Learn to make 10 French dishes in a week.” Refrain from using calls-to-action to explain your offer; that’s what ad text is designed for. In your CTAs, talk directly to your audience and highlight that they’re just one click away from reaching their goal.

Now, consider a commercial that ticks all the right boxes.

In this example, we’ll explore how showing that others like your product, using a strong call to action, a short explanation, and a time-limited deal can really boost your ad’s quality. It makes your ad more believable, fitting, and desirable.

#2. Improve Ad Relevance By Targeting The Right Keywords (With The Right Ads)

Shoppers don’t really use generic words when they’re on Google. When they type into the search bar, they’re after something particular. Your ads need to match as closely as possible to what they’re searching for. The closer you match, the better chance they’ll click on your ad.

Analyze search intent to get a better ad relevance score

Understanding search intent is like figuring out what a person wants when they use Google. To begin, search for the keyword and check the top results, queries, and similar searches. You can also use tools to analyze the search engine results page (SERP). This is useful because their SEO strategies can help improve your pay-per-click (PPC) approach.

Don’t forget to use negative keywords

To safeguard your budget and make sure you’re reaching the right audience, it’s crucial to use negative keywords. For example, if you’re trying to attract potential customers, it’s best not to appear in searches related to “Toyota dealership jobs.”

Removing unclear search terms also assists in distinguishing your campaigns, preventing unintentional matches across different campaigns.

Organize your ads by splitting them into smaller groups

Avoid cramming 15-20 keywords into one ad group. While it might seem like a quick campaign setup, it diminishes the impact of your ads and lowers their Quality Score.

Instead, organize keywords by theme and create specific ad text that aligns with the search intent for each phrase.

When setting up your single-theme ad group (STAG), steer clear of broad-match keywords. Instead, go for phrase match or exact match options.

Be very precise in your ad copy; don’t target too many search terms simultaneously. Think about how you create unique product pages on your website. Your ad should reflect each product or potential customer interest in your goods.

#3. Optimize Your Landing Page Experience

To get a good score, think about what users see when they click on your ad. If they visit your page and it doesn’t match what was promised in the ad, they get unhappy and leave. This is bad because it makes them lose trust in your brand, and that makes it harder to sell to them later.

But, you can prevent this by adjusting your landing page to match each search. This checklist will guide you in improving your landing page, your score, and boosting sales:

  • Make sure your landing page is a perfect match for your ad. Instead of sending people to your company’s website, guide them to a special page made just for that keyword.
  • Keep your messages and Call to Actions (CTAs) clear: To prevent confusion, make sure your ad and page share the same keywords, CTAs, and language.
  • Design your page for easy scanning and minimal distractions: Help the buyer navigate smoothly by removing unnecessary links, buttons, and other elements, allowing them to focus on your main offer.
  • Utilize heatmaps and other analytics tools to spot issues: Identify what makes your visitors frustrated or intrigued, and understand how their eyes move across your page.
  • Improve your landing page load time by compressing images, opting for the WebP image format, streamlining CSS and JavaScript, minimizing third-party scripts, and adopting a reliable CDN to maintain faster load times, especially for international audiences.
  • Highlight your commitment to safeguarding client data: From secure online transactions to a transparent privacy policy, assure your website visitors that their safety is a top priority.
  • Guarantee your landing page looks great on mobile devices: Conduct a mobile-friendly test to facilitate seamless and spontaneous shopping experiences for users on the go.
  • Establish your credibility through social proof: Convince potential buyers by showcasing the number of satisfied users who have already chosen your brand and sharing their positive experiences.
  • Perform a UX audit to identify areas where users may encounter difficulties or confusion. This analysis will help enhance the user-friendliness and accessibility of your website.

Now, let’s explore a detailed landing page, beginning with the ad that surfaced for the keyword “meal kit delivery service”:

The advertisement delivers precise and pertinent information aligned with our search criteria. It highlights a special promotion and outlines Gobble’s distinctive features, particularly the ability to personalize meals. This unique feature sets the advertisement apart, catering to individuals who prefer not to dedicate extensive time in the kitchen.

Upon clicking the ad, users are seamlessly directed to a user-friendly landing page that delivers on the promises made in the advertisement. Here, users can effortlessly access all the relevant details and place their initial order without the need for extensive scrolling.

This landing page values your time and attention, showcasing social proof right at the top. The rest of the page remains straightforward, brief, and packed with engaging and distinctive content.

The page looks great – it’s visually appealing and free from unnecessary distractions. It effectively communicates the offer without bombarding the reader with excess information. The call-to-action buttons are consistently placed throughout the page, contributing to a seamless user experience on the landing page.

How do I get a high Quality Score in Google Ads?

Increasing your Quality Score isn’t rocket science (though it does require some effort). Simply focus on making your ads more relevant, targeting the right keywords, keeping a record of high CTR ads, and enhancing your landing page experience.

Improving keyword quality stands out as crucial. When historical data reveals a keyword’s low CTR, Google understands that users didn’t find your ad quite fitting for their search. This calls for more specific keywords and a refined account structure.

Wrapping Up

We’ve mentioned it before, and we’ll keep on repeating it (even until the universe goes cold): keep refining your ads. Think of Quality Score as a guide, not the ultimate verdict. You know your account best, so feel free to stray from our suggestions if needed.

Finally, every advertiser aims to maximize results within their budget. So, it’s almost a given to take steps that increase your clicks while staying within your budget. And if you enhance users’ search and buying journeys in the process, that’s even better!

Jugnu Nagar
Author: Jugnu Nagar

SEO Specialist

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