8 Tips To Write Compelling, Genuine Google AdWords Copy in 2024

Google AdWords Copy in 2024

When done well, pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google Ads can give you a 200% return on investment (ROI) and boost brand awareness by 80%.

Why is that?

It’s because your search ad will appear at the top of page one on Google’s search results without needing to climb the ranks through SEO efforts.

However, crafting effective Google Ads can be challenging, especially since you need to fit your ad content into a small space while also standing out from other advertisers.

Google handles around 99,000 search queries every second. That’s about 8.5 billion searches a day and nearly 2 trillion searches worldwide each year.

In this article, we’ll discuss 10 simple yet highly effective methods to significantly improve your ad copy.

When you apply these techniques, your click-through rates (CTR) will go up, and your costs will go down!

Keep reading to discover our secret tips for creating excellent Google AdWords copy.

What is Google Ads Copy?

Google Ads is Google’s online advertising platform. It handles many of the ads you see online, like the ones at the top when you search on Google, on Google Maps, and on various websites through display advertising. Google Ads works on a pay-per-click (PPC) system, where you pay a small fee each time someone clicks on your ad.

Advertising on Google comes with several advantages. The search engine holds more than 90% of the market and is the most widely used, ensuring your ads get visibility. Google Ads also lets you focus your advertising efforts very precisely. You can aim your ads at specific groups using factors like age, gender, search history, and how people have interacted with your business before.

However, getting people to click on your ads is a different challenge. That’s why you require engaging and attention-grabbing text for your Google Ads.

1. Use Keywords To Mirror The Search Query

Many PPC accounts often make a common mistake related to message match. It’s about aligning your ad content with the specific words someone uses in a search or the link that leads them to your landing page.

When someone types a search into Google, it’s like a window into their thoughts. The words they use in the search help you figure out:

  • When someone looks for something to buy, like ‘top running shoes’ for a product or ‘massage service New England’ for a service.
  • When the intention is to make a purchase. (For example, ‘great deal on sneakers’ shows a readiness to buy)
  • When someone seeks information. (Keywords like ‘what are’ or ‘what is’)

Your choice of words in ads plays a big role. To get closer to what your audience is looking for, do some good research on which words to use.

Whether you’re paying for ads or trying to get more organic traffic, using the right words matters.

Start your Google Ads campaign by putting words in your content that match what people are searching for. Google Ads lets you be very specific about when your ad shows up, so make use of that.

Understanding Ad Groups

You’ll probably want to make an ad group for every Google Ads campaign you start.

What’s an ad group?

It’s a bunch of ads that aim at similar audiences or search terms. Each ad group should have a list of related words to use.

If you use too many words in one ad group, it’ll be hard to fit them all into one ad and still make a good copy. This can make your Quality Score go down, and you’ll show up on fewer search results related to your topic.

Most experts think that the best range is between one and five closely related words. This way, you can place keywords well and still have room for creative writing in your ads.

Editor’s Note on Keyword Research 

If you want assistance with finding the right words for your content, here are some easy ways to do it. In a short while, you’ll have a list of good words that fit your topic.

Expert tip: When using words in ads, keep it simple. It’s better not to get too fancy; being clear and direct works a lot better.

Make sure to use your chosen words in important parts of the ad. In your Google Ad text, put the words in the title, description, and the website link. This ensures that your ad speaks directly to what your audience is looking for and encourages them to click on it.

Understanding Match Types

We can connect the searches below with the keyword ‘lawn mowing service‘:

Broad match (loose matching): Ads might show up for searches linked to your keyword, like “lawn aeration prices“.

How to enter keywords: Type lawn mowing services (without brackets or inside quotation marks).

Phrase match (moderate matching): Ads can show up when people search for what your phrase means, like “lawn mowing service near me,” “hire a company to mow the lawn,” or “landscaping service to cut grass.”

How to Type Keywords: Put “lawn mowing services” (type the keyword in quotes).

Exact Match (Tight Matching): Your ads can show up on searches with similar meanings to your chosen keywords, like “lawn mowing service” or “grass cutting service.”

How to input keywords: Put your keyword in square brackets, for example, [lawn mowing services].

2. Structure Your Ad Copy Around The Searcher’s Desired End Goal

Now that you have gathered a list of words for your text ads, it’s time to create your Google Adwords copy.

You won’t have a lot of space because Google Ads use only a small part of a search results page. So, being short and to the point is important here. Here are the limits for the number of characters you can use in your text ads:

  • Headline 1: 30 characters
  • Headline 2: 30 characters
  • Headline 3: 30 characters
  • Description 1: 90 characters
  • Description 2: 90 characters
  • Path (2): 15 characters for each one

When you want to use important words and create a headline that makes sense, having only 30 characters isn’t enough. The same goes for the description, which should be no longer than 90 characters.

When you’re working on writing Google Ads, always think about what your audience wants to achieve.

In simpler terms, what are they looking to do when they search for your phrase online, and how can your product or service help them do that?

Sometimes, advertisers get stuck in the details of what they’re offering. Instead of talking about how the product can solve the audience’s problems, they focus on its great features without explaining why it’s needed.

Imagine your company sells fans that move back and forth. These fans come with ten different speeds, can change height, and even connect to the internet.

In your Google ad, you talk a lot about how amazing the fan is, but you forget the most important thing. (For example, using ‘The Most Advanced Fan Ever’ as a headline)

Here’s a better version of the same headline: ‘Stay Cool with Our Fan.’ It’s short and directly talks about what the customer really wants. They want to cool down, just like you promised in your headline.

Additionally, Google’s response to Responsive Search Ads lets you use many headlines and descriptions. So, you don’t have to stick to just one. Here’s a great guide for this.

Keep in mind, don’t get tangled in all the fancy features of your product; the landing page will provide those details later.

3. Back Up Your Claims With Specific Numbers

Do you have a number to include in your Google Search ad? If yes, go ahead!

Numbers are easy for our minds to grasp, and they make your ad more trustworthy. For instance, if you’ve saved money for clients before, be clear and say how much.

For example, which of these top-performing ads do you think is more impactful?

  • Ad A: Our online marketing services have greatly boosted the earnings of many businesses.
  • Ad B: With our experience in digital marketing, we’ve assisted our clients in making over $1,000,000 in income so far.

Ad B is more convincing because it gives a real number to support its statement. The company says it has assisted clients in making millions of dollars, and it has the facts to prove it. Using specific numbers is always more persuasive to customers, so try to include them whenever you can.

Moreover, there is a benefit in being more clear. Connecting accurate details with trustworthiness, precise numbers like 2,512 can be more effective than round numbers like 2,500+ when it comes to ad performance.

If you plan to use numbers in your Google AdWords copy, write the specific number instead of a general version. For example, you might say:

  • 3,987 customers’ lives have changed
  • $7,945 saved this month
  • 587 proven case studies

Research your company’s numbers to discover stats for a new ad. Using specific data and statistics boosts your conversion rate, so incorporate them into your copy whenever you can.

4. Keep It Personal By Writing ‘You’

One common mistake we often see when creating ads is when the person or company talks too much about themselves. This means they keep talking about their products, awards, and successes. For example, saying they were rated as the best real estate firm in Los Angeles for three years in a row!

But the truth is, the person looking at the ad isn’t interested in learning about the advertiser; they’re looking for a solution to THEIR problem. So, it’s important to speak directly to them.

The example mentioned earlier is not a good ad because it doesn’t explain how their real estate services can help you. Instead, it just talks about an award they got, which doesn’t tell you anything about what they can do for you.

When it comes to creating powerful Google Ads content, the key is to focus on the person viewing it—either ‘you’ or ‘them.’

Remember, excellent ad writing revolves around what your customer needs. Achieve this by tailoring your ads and talking directly to the viewer, using ‘you’ or ‘your,’ instead of discussing your company using ‘I,’ ‘we,’ or ‘our.’

To grab attention on the results page, craft your ad in a way that speaks directly to the reader and is appealing. Instead of showcasing an award, the real estate agent mentioned earlier could try something like ‘Selling Your Home Stress-Free.’

The advertisement now talks directly to you, letting you know you can help sell your home without any hassle.

This is more interesting for someone interested in your services than listing your achievements. It doesn’t mean your awards aren’t important; they’re just better for your website. You have limited space, so your Ad Snippet should talk to the viewer and get straight to the point.

5. Keep Things Current

When creating ads, try to keep your writing up-to-date. People like ads with current information. You don’t want your ad to seem old, as that will make people ignore it.

How do you make an ad copy ‘current?’

There are many choices, and usually, you just need to tweak your existing ads a bit.

A straightforward way to do this is by stating how many people you’ve helped in the last month or year. Let’s look at an example to make it clearer:

  • Helped 500 people with Debt Relief Services in March

This tells users that your services are current and you’ve had success recently. Adding up-to-date details to your Google Ads can boost conversion and click-through rates, making it worthwhile.

6. Optimize Your Headline and Description

Writing effective Google Ads requires a specific skill set, mainly about finding the right balance. In simpler terms, you need to mix optimizing the ad for keywords with creating content that focuses on getting people to take action.

It can be tricky to find this balance, especially when you only have 30 characters for the headline and 90 for the description.

Here’s a checklist for what to include in your ad copy:

  • Your target keyword
  • Address customer pain point
  • Provide a solution 

If your ad includes these three elements, you’re good to go. You decide whether to use stats or current info when suggesting a solution. Generally, your ad should have all three features we talked about.

Let’s check out an example to see how these elements work. A small company called ‘Theme Lion’ creates eCommerce landing pages for retailers. They focus on selling to online business owners using the keyword ‘ecommerce theme.’ Here’s an ad that includes all three elements:

  • Theme Lion | Custom Ecommerce Themes. Can’t find a layout for your online store? Call us for five-star themes tailored to you. 

Voila, the company has improved its Google Ad to fit all the criteria we talked about. It has the right keyword, talks about a problem customers have (finding a good online store design), and gives a solution.

That’s all you need to make a short online ad that people will click on. But to make them buy, you have to keep using this convincing language on your website.

7. Leverage Loss Aversion with Countdown Timers

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is something nobody likes. It’s the reason many of us join social events we wouldn’t normally go to, hoping to not miss out on something exciting.

The great news is, you can use countdown clocks in your Google Ads to boost FOMO.

Google has added a countdown timer to their ads. To use it, simply insert this snippet into your headline or description: ‘{=.’

Clicking this will show a popup with a countdown timer. Here, you can set when it ends and how many days before it starts counting down.

This is a great tool, especially for ads with time-sensitive offers. Imagine a yearly special retail sale – without the timer, customers might not know it’s only for a limited time.

Just adding a countdown timer can create a sense of urgency (FOMO) in your customers. As they see the seconds ticking, they’ll want to grab your amazing deals before they’re gone.

Besides the discounts on Black Friday, countdown timers can serve different purposes, like setting a timer for a product that’s about to stop being made. Activating a sales timer will make your customers feel a sense of urgency, encouraging them to buy the product before it’s no longer available.

Use countdown clocks to promote services. Are you offering a limited-time deal at your spa? If yes, include a countdown timer! The more immediate your ad shows on Google, the more likely you’ll get clicks and conversions.

8. Include a Call-To-Action (CTA)

Finally, every ad requires a strong and attractive call to action.

Ultimately, when you run a Google Ad, your main goal is to get people to take a specific action. It could be as easy as joining a newsletter or as detailed as asking for advice on home improvements.

It might sound crazy, but it’s crucial to be clear about what you want the person seeing the ad to do next.

Where will people end up after clicking on the ad? Is your landing page guiding them further down the funnel? What comes next?

Google suggests using words like “buy,” “get,” or “explore” to show the next steps your audience should take.

Keep in mind that your CTA (Call to Action) should match what users ultimately want, and the web link in your ad must have useful information. Whether they’re looking for products, services, or information, your CTA should match their goals.

Wrapping Up

As we mentioned before, creating content for Google Ads involves both creativity and strategy. If exceptional content was entirely based on algorithms, everyone would be rich by now.

Try to follow the suggested practices mentioned above as much as you can, but keep in mind our main focus: potential customers. We’re always communicating with people. Lastly, before starting a new Google Ads campaign, assess your content with your instincts:

  • Does this offer sound appealing?
  • Is this just a bunch of keywords?
  • Would I click on this?

That also applies to your landing page. When you know how to create interesting, eye-catching, and convincing content for your entire campaign, selling your product or service becomes much easier.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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