What to Know Before Buying PPC in 2024

Have you thought about using pay-per-click ads for your business? Many companies choose paid advertising. Nearly every small business advertises, and 65% of small to medium-sized businesses use PPC campaigns.

So, what is PPC exactly? PPC is when you pay for an ad each time someone clicks on it.

The ad shows up prominently in a Google search, making it more likely that people will see it when searching for specific products or services. This way, potential customers see your company first.

Although PPC can be very effective when done right, it can quickly get confusing, especially if it’s your first time.

As more businesses than ever before display these ads to compete in the digital marketplace, we wanted to share some important information you should know before buying PPC. These tips will help you save money and time in the long run.

Are you ready to succeed? Keep reading!

What are The Different Types of PPC Marketing?

Successful marketing campaigns necessitate continual management and sometimes take time to yield results. Certain dangers are associated with PPC, such as ad placement or a competitive term. As a result, it’s critical to select the appropriate style of ad campaign for your objectives. 

Here are a few examples of PPC: 

Paid Search Marketing

One of the most common types of PPC is paid search marketing. Platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads show your ads to people actively looking for certain words.

You can set up campaigns by writing ad text, picking appropriate words, and creating a webpage for your site.

Display Ads

Graphics like banners, video ads, and text ads that appear on websites, not on search engine result pages, are called display advertising. These ads act as a link to your website and are useful for reaching a specific audience.

While their click-through rate is usually lower than search ads, they can be more effective for boosting brand awareness in online marketing. Integrating PPC ads into your strategy can increase brand awareness by 80%.

Social Media Advertising

Ads on social media that target specific users are called social media advertising. These ads are relevant because social networks use individual information, showing ads based on activities within a platform.

Various types of social media ads exist, such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Stories Ads, and Conversational Ads on Twitter. Though these platforms have different ad formats, their goal remains consistent.

Retargeting PPC advertising

Ads that follow you around online are interesting because they get personalized by Google’s system. They’re tailored to you based on what you’ve searched for and some basic info about you.

Have you ever wondered why you keep seeing ads for something you just looked up? If you search for something like “iPhone,” you’ll start seeing more ads about iPhones.

Price Comparison Website Advertising

Websites that collect and show prices and special deals are called price comparison or aggregator sites. These can be comparison sites for various products, hotels, and travel.

People often click on these offers and buy directly from the retailer or the price comparison website. In fact, 65% of customers click on PPC ads, boosting conversion rates.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing rewards you for how well you do. Your payment is tied to your performance. You can easily start affiliate marketing on your own or hire a third-party affiliate network. It’s not just for bloggers and YouTubers; more than 90% of advertisers believe it’s a crucial part of their marketing plan.

Google Shopping

Google Shopping, once called Product Listing Ads, is a service provided by Google. It allows customers to look for, see, and compare products easily.

When a customer looks for a product on Google, the related products show up. You can find them on the main search results page or in the shopping tab.

For example, if a customer searches for ‘red running shoes’ on Google, sponsored ads might show up at the top of the page.

Here’s an example:

Red Shoes on Google Shopping

If the customer clicks on the shopping tab, they will be directed to this page:

Red Running Shoes on Google Shopping

Retailers will need to use two platforms for Google Shopping: Google AdWords and Google Merchant Center.

Set a Budget

Setting a budget for a pay-per-click ad campaign is vital, but one of the best features is that you can do it on a restricted budget while maintaining tight control over how much you spend.

If you’re new to PPC and don’t have a lot of money to spend, you may get started with a smart investment. However, being explicit about the budget is critical, and it will result in a result-oriented ad campaign.

Carefully Craft Your Ads & Landing Pages

Keep in mind, the crucial factor for getting more clicks and better ad placements is the quality score of your ad. This means you HAVE TO create ad text that connects with the keyword the user is searching for.

The ad should also lead to a landing page with content related to the keyword. If you don’t do this, there’s a chance users won’t click on your ads, and Google will consider them irrelevant. As a result, Google might increase your cost per click and give you lower ad positions.

The Difference Between PPI, CPC, and PPC

So, what is the difference between PPC and PPI?

PPC advertising is a form of paid promotion where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. PPI, or pay-per-impression, charges you whenever a person searches, and your ad appears on the results page. While PPI often results in fewer conversions, the cost is usually lower

Another decision you might face is whether to use PPC or CPC.

Let me clarify:

PPC means pay per click, and CPC means cost-per-click. PPC is a way to price digital advertising, while CPC is a metric that measures the cost of each click. The main difference between PPC and CPC is mainly a matter of marketing strategy.

Different types of ads serve different purposes and have various goals that are used to focus on different stages of digital marketing.

It’s important to decide which ad would best support your business strategy, the keywords you’re aiming for, and where your audience is in the buyer’s journey. This gives you more control over which ads are displayed to your target audience. By doing this, you save time and money on sponsored advertising and get the most value for your money.

Will PPC Work For Your Business?

If people are searching for your products or services online, PPC puts you at the top of the results.

Think about it. What’s the first thing you do when you want to buy new running shoes or get a plumber to fix a leaking sink?

You use Google to find the “best running shoes” or “affordable plumbers.” Then, you check the search results to find products or services that are highly rated, reasonably priced, and have lots of positive feedback.

That’s how buyers behave these days. Whether your business is local, national, or global, and whether you’re in e-commerce or services, using PPC can help you show up first in searches.

Yes, there is a solution to the question! PPC can benefit your company.

Besides promoting brand recognition and CTR, PPC can achieve the following:

a.) Boost lead generation

b.) Enhance click-through rates or CTR and quality score

c.) Provide businesses with more control

The most convincing reason to use PPC ads is that they can help you reach various marketing goals, like generating more high-quality leads for your company.

Improving the number of clicks on your search ads is a common aim for marketers using paid online advertising. For example, if your pay-per-click (PPC) ad is seen 1,000 times but only gets 1 click, the click-through rate (CTR) is 0.1%. CTR is essential because it shows how well your ad resonates with your intended audience.

PPC is great for giving businesses added control because it operates based on a set budget. It offers more control compared to regular sponsored advertising. One of the main reasons companies use PPC is the increased influence it provides over how your ad budget is utilized.

If Your SEO Is Doing Well, Should You Still Invest in PPC?

Smart business owners understand how important it is to boost their online visibility. This involves using SEO, Google Analytics, and researching the right keywords. They also learn about their customers and use keywords on their website to get a better ranking on Google. Some businesses even make mobile apps.

These owners often team up with agencies like GREAT Guest Posts to create good content and get links from respected sites. All of these tactics help with their organic SEO, but sometimes it’s not enough.

Around 60% of the people who come to their website from search engines leave and don’t come back. They might have looked at a few pages, clicked some buttons, or read part of a blog before leaving for some reason.

Based on SEMrush data, the usual bounce rate ranges from 41% to 55%. The ideal range is 26% to 40%, and anything higher than 46% is considered ‘high’.

But let’s focus on the positive.

People who visit your website can be targeted again through PPC advertising. If someone checks out your roofing site briefly and then exits, Google will show them PPC ads for your service.

Chances are, they explored different roofing companies online to get estimates or understand specific services. Your remarketing campaign will stay connected with them until they decide on hiring.

This increases the likelihood of getting hired for the job!

How Much Should You Pay for PPC?

Budgets were one of the first questions businesses asked us even before COVID-19. After all, most firms do not have unlimited advertising budgets. They want to know how much money they can spend on advertising to make a difference.

Your PPC return on investment (ROI) will be well worth everything you invested if done correctly. That’s another reason to engage skilled specialists to do it for you.

In general, we recommend that businesses set up at least $1,000 per month for ad spend in order to generate enough traffic to see benefits.

If you work as a lawyer or run a business with many competitors, we suggest increasing your monthly budget to $5,000 to $10,000.

For example, the cost per click (CPC) for advertising in law firm-related searches is higher compared to other businesses. The income from acquiring a new client typically covers the initial advertising cost, but having a bigger budget guarantees you capture those new leads.

We can take care of all the necessary tasks for you!

Should You Outsource PPC?

Ad blindness is a big problem in the PPC industry. People often ignore ads because they recognize them as advertisements. 58% of people ignore most online ads.

Based on a recent survey, over two-thirds of people (70%) dislike digital ads, and 72% say bad ad experiences have made them think less of a company.

To avoid wasting money, time, and resources on PPC that no one clicks on, it’s a good idea to use PPC services providers. They have experts who make sure your ads get noticed.

Starting a PPC ad campaign seems easy. Once you’re in Google Ads, you can get an ad up in 5 to 10 minutes. So, why hire someone else?

The problem is, it’s really easy to spend a lot on Google. PPC campaigns involve a bunch of trial and error. Without the right experience, you might lose a ton of money.

It looks simple, but there are traps to dodge for a successful Google campaign.

Finally, you can handle it on your own. But why do that when you can concentrate on what you do best: running your business? With Google Ads, our experts can help you grow your business.

It’s Time to Start Buying PPC!

Pay-per-click marketing is a smart digital marketing strategy. If not done right, it can be a risky way to advertise.

But, it gives great value and should be a key part of any successful digital marketing plan. Understand your goals, set a budget, and test thoroughly.

By improving your PPC ads, you will see more people visiting your website, receiving more questions from potential customers, and, most importantly, making more money from increased sales.

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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