5 Elements of a Winning Landing Page

5 Elements of a Winning Landing Page

The goal of a landing page is simple — to convert its visitors.

The most effective landing pages reach conversion rates of up to 27.4%, although an average conversion rate for the majority of the industries moves somewhere between 2 to 6%.

However, if your landing page doesn’t convert well, it doesn’t necessarily mean your product or service isn’t good enough. You simply might be using wrong or insufficient tactics that make people abandon your page before seeing your offer.

To make everything right and promote yourself in the best way possible, use the following 5 elements.

Landing Page vs. Homepages

If you’re familiar with journalism, think of how headlines are “above the fold” of a newspaper. You want to make sure when people reach your homepage, they can read the key points (or see key navigation) above the fold without scrolling or extra clicks. This means that you want a headline about your LATEST book or next book. (This also means you have to maintain it.) The list of all your books may be below the fold or linked on a separate page.

When they get to your page, the design needs to clearly project your genre. If you use multiple pen names, you will likely want a different page for each. The details or bio for “About” can be below the fold, but above needs a clear “My name is Author and I write Genre.”

People have mixed opinions on the pop-up “sign up for my newsletter” things, but they do work. You should at the very least have a fillable form on your web page and be collecting emails. You should also include social media links to author platforms. (Keep your personal life personal.)

You want to make sure that your website is adaptable, which means it will automatically scale and reformat when you’re viewing it on mobile. I use my own CSS template, but hosts like wix or wordpress probably take care of this for you… You should still check how it looks on at least two browsers and your phone.

Landing pages are for providing very specific details to a very specific aspect of your work. Suppose the headline on your web page is promoting your latest book, but you have a whole series, and you want to create something just dedicated to that series, with marketing images and buy links. It’s more hyper-focused than your author web page, because your author web page is about you the author.

This landing page is about the book. It answers a more specific question. Also, if you are ONLY selling on Amazon, you can use the Amazon page for the book as the landing page for that book. It creates fewer clicks between the information and the buy.

To optimize conversions, consider streamlining the selection or providing more effective filters to help users find exactly what they’re looking for.

Unlike websites with various goals, landing pages focus on one mission: converting visitors into leads or customers.

They achieve this by offering targeted content and a clear call-to-action (CTA) aligned with your PPC ad.

Think of them as digital salespeople, expertly closing the deal after your ad piques a potential buyer’s interest.

How We Sets up Client Landing Pages

Landing pages can be powerful tools for attracting customers and boosting conversions, whether showcasing a snazzy new gadget or a top-tier service. But to truly shine, they need the right marketing magic sprinkled in.

Let’s face it, conversions aren’t a walk in the park. The age-old “Marketing Rule of Seven” reminds us that building brand trust takes multiple interactions. And let’s be honest, snagging an email signup is a different beast than convincing someone to splurge on that luxury cruise.

Industry benchmarks, like Wordstream’s 6.98% conversion rate, tell us that even major players in car sales, home improvement, or legal services face an uphill battle. Only around 7% of visitors take the plunge. Makes you wonder, right? Could something be missing from their conversion cocktails?

Now, let’s flip the script. Take GREAT Guest Posts‘ PPC landing pages, boasting a conversion rate of 19.55%. They’re proof that nailing the right ingredients can turn the conversion tide.

So, what’s their secret sauce? Stay tuned, as we delve into the essential elements that transform landing pages from passive bystanders to conversion champions. We’ll uncover the best practices, design secrets, and psychological triggers that turn visitors into loyal customers.

Curious how we achieve such stellar conversion rates? It’s a two-step tango. We first fine-tune your PPC ads, wielding powerful text and visuals to attract the most relevant leads to your landing page.

Then, we ensure each page waltzes with those crucial elements that make conversions flourish.

Top of the list? Presenting your key info “above the fold,” front and center for immediate impact.

Focus on Your Web Content ‘Above the Fold’

Ever landed on a website and instantly grasped its purpose?

That’s the power of the “top viewport,” the area users see before scrolling.

Think of it as the digital equivalent of a newspaper headline – it captures attention and sets the stage for what’s below.

Drawing from our experience with over 200,000 businesses, we’ve analyzed data from millions of page views and countless heatmaps.

This wealth of insights sheds light on user behavior trends and areas for optimization.

Example #1

Example #2

Example #3

Visitors tend to focus on the top part of web pages, especially above the “fold” line where content becomes hidden on scroll.

That’s why we prioritize placing key information and compelling elements in this prime viewing area.

When designing landing pages for clients, we leverage this golden zone to showcase their value proposition and maximize conversion rates.

Top Elements of a High Converting Landing Page

These are the key ingredients we bake into every landing page, from plumbing pros to yacht charters.

They’re the secret sauce behind our near 20% average conversion rate, and they’re ready to transform your page into a lead-generating machine.

Dive in and discover what your landing page needs to thrive.


Your Headline is usually what the visitor sees when they visit your Landing Page.

And it would also determine whether they would take action or not.

The problem is, most headlines are written as an afterthought. Or created by a Graphic Designer instead of a Copywriter.

Do not disregard your Headlines.

Because doing so could reduce your conversion rate or your landing page’s effectiveness.

And although you can use any number of headline styles, one easy strategy is to focus on a problem your potential client may have.

In other words, if your solution helps with diabetes, for example, make sure to use the word diabetes in your headline.

Grab their attention with:

  • Emotion-evoking text
  • Bold & contrasting font
  • Concise yet descriptive words

Give your visitors a reason to keep reading.

Your Offer

So you’ve grabbed visitor attention – now ignite their interest with an irresistible offer. But what are they craving?

A little detective work (research, surveys, social listening) can unlock their desires. This is often their first encounter with you, so let’s make it welcoming.

Forget high hurdles – we’re playing the long game. Build trust with “low barrier” offers like discounts, free consultations, juicy downloadable guides, or informative videos. The key?

Whether you’re offering a 5-Point Guide or Blueprint, you have to convince the person that visits your landing page to actually engage and convert.

I’ve made this mistake too. I lost so much time working on tweaking the template and choosing pretty colors when all that really mattered was the actual messaging. Here’s 3 principles I learned that can level up the messaging on your landing page:

  1. Be explicit and specific on WHO you are targeting. The more specific you are, the more likely they are to relate to your messaging and convert.
  2. Let them know exactly WHAT they are receiving. What are they getting when they fill out the form? Will they be getting a guide or a checklist? And what are they going to get out of the content you provide?
  3. Explain WHY they should trust you. You have to articulate your differentiating factor and show your credibility.

Ensure the perceived value outweighs any data-sharing hesitation. Think win-win: they get valuable resources, you build relationships and gather insights.

No Navigation & No Outside URLs

Attention grabs, then conversion cues! You just invested ad dollars to bring visitors to this landing page. Don’t risk losing them in navigation mazes. Keep focus like a laser.

Get rid of extraneous links and external URLs. Provide two clear paths: convert or bounce (but we hope for the first!). Every design element should scream action, leaving no room for ambiguity.

CTA (Call To Action)

Imagine your landing page as a captivating stage, and the call to action (CTA) as the spotlight. It’s the star of the show, guiding visitors down a single, irresistible path.

Forget cluttered options – a singular, prominent button with a concise phrase like “Order Now” or “Unlock Your Free Guide” takes center stage.

Every element on your page should sing in harmony, drawing focus towards that one, transformative action.

Design CTA buttons on your landing pages wisely for better conversions.

Description: The ‘Call,’ ‘Message,’ or similar button itself doesn’t explain why one should click on it. That’s why we contemplate a description: we analyze the target audience, identify their needs, and write about why clicking will be beneficial.

Button: The color and shape can be anything you want. It doesn’t have to be a red or green rectangle with rounded corners. The main thing is that it stands out and is in a prominent location.

To attract more attention, you can use a pop-up message.

Call to Action (CTA): The simpler the CTA, the better. You can add urgency to the action: ‘buy now,’ benefits: ‘get a free consultation,’ or both. But don’t overdo it with lengthy descriptions.

Multiple CTAs: It may turn out that one button is not enough. For instance, Apple Music offers both going to the app or listening on the website, whichever is more convenient.

But, most importantly, a CTA that connects with the reader in a more personal way converts 202% better than a normal CTA. 

So, if you have multiple offers or options, there will be several CTAs. Analyze, be creative, and let everything work out for you!

Social Proof

The secret to a killer landing page:

Social proof.

The dominant force that drives human action is the unconscious need for social proof. Leverage human psychology to persuade people.

Online reviews hold immense power for businesses, with 68% of consumers forming an opinion based on just a handful (one to six!). 

It’s important to make sure relevant testimonials are available at all times to help you close more deals and generate more $$$.

Reasons to add social proof to your landing page:

1. Build Trust 

2. Increase Conversions

3. Enhance Credibility

Consider featuring impactful client testimonials on your landing page to add that extra layer of social proof and boost conversions.

Below, I’ll show you how to both document and amplify social proof.

1. Here’s how to document your social proof:

  • Drive genuine results for your customers 
  • Document that ROI in case study interviews
  • Splice interviews into editorial + social assets
  • Develop social proof across multiple use cases
  • Run those assets by your customers for approval

2. Here’s how to amplify your social proof:

  • Landing pages (see below)
  • Case studies sections page
  • Deployed inside case studies
  • Layered into ongoing email flows
  • Sales and BD nurturing sequences
  • Embedded in one-off email campaigns
  • GTM referral blurbs to deal flow partners

Page Speed

Worried about slow page speed killing your conversions? You’re not alone! Google recommends lightning-fast bounce rates under 5 seconds, mobile and desktop.

Many new clients come to us after ignoring their page speed for too long. A quick check with GTmetrix is all it takes! We’re laser-focused on speed, and it shows.

Mobile Optimization

The mobile revolution is undeniable! Searching the web on phones has surpassed desktops, now claiming over half of all internet traffic, a stunning 222% jump in just seven years.

This means your website needs to shine on the small screen! A clunky mobile experience is a customer repellent you can’t afford.

Easy To Read Copy (No Long Paragraphs!)

Online visitors scan, not read, devouring only 20% of average page copy. That’s why clear, scannable text is crucial, especially for crucial landing pages. Ditch the fluff and focus on customer problems and solutions.

At The GREAT Guest Posts, we prioritize 80% visitor-centric messaging to 20% company focus.

And this sincere approach pays off. Noted sales and marketing speaker Marcus Sheridan found that directly addressing buyer fears on the landing page increased conversion rates by 80%.


Our average client enjoys a significant uplift in landing page conversion rates, and that’s no secret. We simply understand how to optimize based on data and best practices, constantly iterating for peak performance.

Speaking of best practices, we also boast a dream team of skilled copywriters, designers, and PPC ad managers, all focused on driving conversions for your business.

Want to see how your own landing page stacks up?

Ready to skyrocket your conversion rates? Book a call with one of our PPC experts today and let’s turn your landing pages into lead magnets!

Christopher Smith
Author: Christopher Smith

SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 7 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at GREAT Guest Posts, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.

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